34. I Should Be Your Last

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Jungkook did his night care routine and lay on his bed after turning off the lights. He sighed while staring at the wall. It's going to be his birthday tomorrow and he has no motive to celebrate. Like what is there to celebrate, it's nothing but his birthday, the day he regrets in his life. He shouldn't be born, because if he didn't exist then their family might be so happy with his brother alone. Whenever Jungkook looks at them they always seem like a family picture in a 5-year-old kid's textbook. No matter how close he's to his family, he always feels left over.

As if he never exist to them. Of course, his mother loves him and always cares for him and she is the sole reason that he's still living, but it's all about his father. Father is the hero of every child, but for him, he is not. Jungkook was too sensitive and always loves affection. All he expected from his father was love and care but got anger and hater. Reason? Because he falls in love with a man at the age of 16.

Jungkook's father was a prestigious man and when he came to know about this matter from his friend he got mad and used the most disgusting words on him. One of the main reasons for Jungkook to go into depression. After that his father never spoke a word to him, he tried a lot to get his father's love even after being called a whore, and a lot that he never wants to remember. At last, he gave up trying and moved to Seoul to permanently leave them. He still sends them his money and supports them no matter what but he never looked at his father or uttered a word.

A lonely tear left his eyes. He doesn't know when he falls asleep as the darkness engulfed him and the breeze sang him a lullaby to sleep.


"Happy birthday Jungkook-ah!!", Jin screamed when Jungkook opened the door. Jungkook burst into a big smile and let the elder into his apartment.

Jin settled the bags that he was holding on the table and hugged the younger.

Jungkook placed his head on the elder's shoulder and hugged him tighter whispering thank you hyung. Tears left his eyes, he feels so overwhelmed. It's not new to him, he was always greeted by the elder first in the morning for all his birthdays and he can't help but feel overwhelmed.

Jin patted the younger's head. He knows about the brunette's past and he tried his best to give him the father's love.

"Now stop crying or else hyung will cry too", Jin said playfully and wiped the tears from Jungkook's cheeks. Jungkook chuckled at the way the elder treats him. As if he's a 5-year-old baby.

Oh yes, you are.

"Oh my God, look at you, still wearing pajamas, now go get freshen up, and were this, I'll arrange the food that I got you from home", Jin said shoving a bag into Jungkook's hands and pushing him into his bedroom.

A small gasp left Jin's lips when he looked at the younger who just finished his morning routine and was engulfed in the dress that he gave him. 


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