22. Let me love you

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show me
The most damaged
Parts of your soul,
And I will show you
How it still shines like gold.

                       - Nikita Gill


It took Jungkook an hour to calm down. Taehyung patiently waited until that, holding Jungkook tightly and kissing his head multiple times.

Finally, Jungkook got the energy to say,

"I can't love you Tae, I'm broken", Jungkook said with tear-filled eyes.

"Then don't, I don't want you to love me back, You don't need to do anything, my love, Just let me love you and I promise to bring back the old Jungkook," Taehyung said with determined eyes.

Taehyung cupped Jungkook's face and said, "give me one chance Kookie, please I'll make you get over everything, and I don't need anything in return, n-not even you love", with tear-filled eyes.

Jungkook burst into tears. He shook his head.

"I don't want to Tae, let me be, I want you to be happy, I won't deserve you Tae, I lost myself, there is no way to take me out of this".

"Don't you dare say anything further Kookie, it's me who wanted it, and you deserve the world baby, you deserved to be loved not to get hurt", Taehyung said.

Jungkook doesn't know what to do, he wanted to move on but at the same time, he doesn't want to use Taehyung for that. He feels so guilty.

"Don't feel bad about you, I wanted to do this, it's my love that wanted to love you and you are not going to use me for moving on ok, you are like a feather kookie, so gentle, too soft to handle, you should be handled with at most love and care not to be handle by anger and attitude, you are so fragile to this world feather", Taehyung said. That nickname gave something to Jungkook but he can't figure it out.

"You have a world around you feather, a world full of lights and happy people, come out of your room, you did nothing feather, rather you should feel proud that you stayed loyal to that bastard, he doesn't know your value baby, how sweet and caring you are, he missed you not you. And you crying over a bastard like him is completely foolish", Taehyung said controlling all his anger.

Jungkook felt so weak in front of Taehyung, not in a bad way but he feels like he can show his true side to this man. The man who will always support him, who will always hold him.

"I feel so proud of you feather, you fought back against your problems rather than running away from them, I have never seen such a person, you are so strong and brave feather, I'm proud of you, and...I love you, please give me a chance you gave that cheater a chance right, now give a chance to this idiot too ", Taehyung said looking straight into the younger's eyes.

"W-will you help me to get out of this shit", Jungkook asked with hopeful eyes.

Taehyung chuckled at his cuteness and nodded vigorously.

"Yes, I will", He said.

"W-will you hold me just like this whenever I broke down".

"I'll hold you more than this every time you break down".

"Will y-you let me c-cry whenever I want to".

"I'll give you my shoulder to cry on".

"Are you s-sure that you can h-help me"

"I shall ruin myself to let your beautiful smile blossom", Taehyung said which made Jungkook look at him with teary eyes.

Without thinking twice Jungkook hugged Taehyung and cried out again.

"I'm sorry for being selfish but can you please get me out of this, it hurts Tae, it hurts here", Jungkook said while pointing his heart and head.

"Oh feather", Taehyung whispered and hugged the love of his life so close to his heart.

Their heartbeats collided with each other that creating a new rhythm.

A rhythm for their new beginning, for their new life.

"I trust you Tae", that's the last thing Jungkook murmured before drifting off to sleep.

"I promise feather, I promise to bring you back", Taehyung whispered and carried Jungkook to his bed and covered him with a blanket.

He was about to leave but what if Jungkook woke up in the middle so he sat down leaning his head on the bed and stared at Jungkook.

His puffy eyes and dried tears on his cheeks broke Taehyung's heart into pieces. He smoothly tucked Jungkook's hair behind his ears and smiled sadly. He sighed for the umpteenth time on this day.

He hoped for better days and drifted to sleep.

Slowly the rays of the Sun shine through the window of a dark room. The room started to lighten up with the rays just like the one's life who was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

The said male turned around and slowly opened his eyes and adjusted to the lightning only to widen his eyes to XL. His breath hitched. His heartbeat raised to the sky.

He was lying so close to Taehyung who was in the same position as yesterday and sleeping. If Jungkook could move a bit he would be able to kiss the male.

He slowly moved back and got out of bed and took a clear view of the elder. He had his eyes closed cheeks flushed to the bed, lips forming a little pout, and his hair messed up. In total, he looks so adorable. Poor Jungkook he can't take this as the first thing in the morning. At least let him prepare.

And that's when Jungkook remembered yesterday's incident. My God, so he guessed it right. Taehyung loves him.

A little smile formed on his lips. But soon it disappeared. No Taehyung can't love him because he can't give the love back. But yesterday....shit, shit, shit he remembered everything now. Taehyung promised him.

Him breaking down and Taehyung calmed him, Taehyung's soft kisses and sweet words, and many more.


Oh God, that name, doing something in Jungkook. He never felt this way. Too much love and affection from the elder made him flutter.

Jungkook sighed sliding aside his every thought and got up to get freshen up.


So yes, the proposal!!!

I'm not satisfied with this chapter but let's see.

What do you guys think?

Thank you for reading.

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