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I opened my eyes to see Arjun's manly chest, top two buttons of the shirt were opened, his muscled chest visible. I was lying on a couch, with Arjun hugging me, preventing me from falling down. I was almost on top of him in the small space of the couch. He is running his hand gently on my hair, his breath fanning my forehead.

I smiled for such a wonderful start of the day and stretched while still in his arms relaxing my tight muscles.
And then I remembered where we were and the previous night's events came rushing to me. I sat up startled, anxious to know about Shalu's condition.

Shalu was seeing us with a small smile on her lips and a knowing look. She was awake and her bed was adjusted so she was sitting.
Wait what?! Sitting?

"Shalu how do you feel now?" I asked rushing to her.
"Weak, but ok." She said with a small smile.
"I am going to the cafeteria love" Arjun said kissing my cheek and left us.

"That was so stupid of you. I never thought you will do such a thing Shalini. I am disappointed in you" I scolded her.

Tears formed in her eyes. "I am sorry Mythi. I couldn't get over him. I don't know what to do. It hurts, so much." She cried.

I hugged her, my eyes clouding with tears.
Now that I am in love with Arjun, I know how it feels if we loose the loved one. I cannot even bear the thought of separation with Arjun. My heart went out to shalu.

"It's ok. You will get over him. I am here for you." I tried consoling her. No matter what we say, only that person knows how difficult it is.

"Shalu.!" Vaibhav came barging into the room. His face full of concern. I frowned seeing him.

"Why are you here Vaibhav? Haven't you done enough already?" I yelled crossing my hands over my bossom and shielding Shalu from him.

"Please let me see her. I know what I did is a mistake. But I want her." He pleaded.
I was about to protest when I felt Shalu's hand on my elbow.

"Let me speak to him." She said in a small voice.
"But.." I started.
"Please. I want to hear what he has to say. I might get a closure" she said.

"Ok. I will wait outside." I said sighing.
"If you hurt her, you will die in my hands" I said angrily pointing a finger at him.

I was sitting on a chair outside the room when Arjun came with a coffee cup. He gave me the cup and sat next to me.

"Where's yours?" I asked taking my cup. "I had in cafeteria." He said. "Are they talking?"

"You know Vaibhav is here?" I asked surprised. "Yea I saw him on the way while I left you. I tried stopping him there itself considering Shalini's condition. But he said why he behaved like that." Arjun said.

"And what is that?" I asked scoffing, changing my coffee cup into my left hand.

"That girl was his boss's daughter itseems. She threatened him with his job if he wouldn't be her boyfriend. Later her dad found out and sent her to states and assured him of his job." Arjun shrugged.

I raised my eyebrow "And you believe that? Why does that girl want him to be her boyfriend in the first place?"

"Her dad wanted her to marry of to someone, so she did that to escape."

"Seriously? You are trusting him?" I asked disbelieved.

"I don't know babe. But I am sure my judgement was never wrong. I felt him being sincere when he was telling his story."

Arjun rubbed his face with his palms speaking.
He looked tired. He was here all night just for me, when he could have been in 100 other places. I felt loved with his actions.

"You seem tired. Am sorry. You couldn't sleep well because of me." I said feeling bad.
"That's alright love. I am fine. Now that her boyfriend is here, I think we should go. There is lot work in office." He said getting up.

"You can stay if you want. I will manage without you for one day" he added.

Though I was happy that he is considering about me staying with my friend, I don't want him to struggle with the humongous amounts of work that's waiting for us in the office.

"No it's fine. I will come with you. I will tell her and come." I said getting up from the chair and throwing the now empty coffee cup into the trash bin.

I entered the cabin to see them kissing. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad about Shalu.

I cleared my throat to gain their attention. They separated and noticed me. Shalu was blushing while Vaibhav was rubbing his neck with an embarrassed smile.

"I will go bring some breakfast for you" he said kissing her forehead and left.

She repeated the same thing as Arjun.
"I know I was too fast in forgiving him. But I couldn't stay without him. I know you are worried about me, but please trust me. I will be careful. Though I forgave him, it is still tough for me to trust him completely. So I will be careful." She said taking my hands in her's. I nodded sighing.

"Btw I am happy for you and Arjun." She said with a teasing smile.
"Ah about that... I thought of telling you but didn't know how you will react considering your condition then. Sorry." I said.

"That's ok babe. He really cares for you, you know. He was awake for more than an hour before you woke up. He couldn't wake you, you were sleeping like a baby holding him."

"While you were sleeping a nurse came to check on me. He instructed the nurse to make no noise. It was funny to watch the nurse whisper my condition to him."  She said chuckling.
I smiled listening to that.
"Convey my gratitude to him, for providing everything in here." She said.

"Alright. I have work in office. Is it ok if I leave?" I asked. Just then Vaibhav came with a tray of food.

"No problem Mythili. I just met the doc. He said they are discharging her. I will take care of her." He said.

"Thanks for taking care of her" he added with utmost sincerity. I thought I could believe him to some extent.
Nodding my head I left the hospital with Arjun.

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