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"Shall I serve you dinner sir?" Latha asked Arjun when she saw him coming to the kitchen and took the empty plate from his hand.

"No aunty. You go home. I will eat after sometime. Tell the maids to go home too. They can finish the works tomorrow." He said.

Latha was shocked to see this side of Arjun. He was not the one to have works to be left pending. He want everything on time and to be perfect.

But seeing this soft side made Latha shocked. Sure love and having family has changed him.
Smiling Latha left to inform other workers.

Taking his laptop with him he came to their bedroom to see Mythi and Kittu sleeping with the story book still in Mythi's hand, Kittu half lying and half sitting. A smile formed seeing them cuddled up in such uncomfortable position.

Shaking his head lightly Arjun lifted kittu in his arms and went to his room to put him on his bed. Coming back to their room he adjusted Mythi to a comfortable postion. Kissing her forehead and her bump he sat on the recliner that's in the corner of the room to catch up with some work.

Sometime later Arjun's phone rang showing Vaibhav's name. "Yea man, tell me" Arjun said.

"Mr. Bhargav called. He got a letter threating to drop our deal" Vaibhav said, his voice held frustration.

"What?!" Arjun exclaimed in a raised voice making Mythi stir in her sleep. "One sec, hold on" he added in a low tone and came out of the room slowly closing the door behind him.

He paced in his study, running his hand through his hair speaking to Vaibhav. "How the hell did anyone know about our deal?" Arjun asked frustrated.
"You know how Arjun. Someone's keeping tabs on us. That's the only explanation."

Arjun already guessed the answer but he still asked hoping his doubt will be wrong. But no. What they thought is correct. Someone must be following them, that's the only option left since no one knew of this deal except Mr.Bhargav, these five and their partners. Arjun fisted his free palm frustrated.

"What did Bhargav say? Any second thoughts on the deal?" Arjun asked sighing.
"He is not backing down. He wants the deal to be done. He is more dedicated in developing the orphanage now, since he knows someone is very serious in making that a profit hub." Vaibhav explained.

Arjun remained silent, staring out of the window overlooking the garden.
"What's the matter?" Vaibhav asked when Arjun didn't speak even after a few moments.

Before he could respond, a soft voice called out his name followed by knocking. Mythi entered the study with a frown on her face.
"I will talk to you later. Let's all meet up tomorrow." He said and disconnected the call.

Pocketing his phone in his shorts, Arjun reached Mythi and cupped her face. "What happened? Does your back still hurt?" He asked searching her face.

"I am fine Aju. You were not in the room." Mythi said hugging him, his manly scent surrounding her, soothing her disturbed heart immediately. She got a nightmare again, in which her friends met with an accident.

She seems disturbed lately and even Arjun noticed her not being her normal self.

That's the thing that's keeping him worried more than the actual problem. Arjun hugged her and ran his hands on her back and kissed her head.

"Nothing's going to happen love. I am right here. I will take care of everything." He consoled her.

She doesn't need to express her anxiety. He understood her quite well. He is willing to loose his company, if that's what their stalkers want, than let anything happen to Mythi or kittu. And that's what he said to the guys the next day.

Next day the gang came to Arjun's house, since Mythi needs rest. All ladies were in the living room while the guys are in the study.

"Talk something Arjun. What's going on your mind?" Rohan asked concerned. It's been almost an hour, Arjun hasn't said a word and hasn't involved in the discussion on the orphanage or anything of that matters.

"I am concerned about Mythi" He said after few minutes. "Something tells me all the threats are interlinked. I am ready to loose my company if it keeps my family safe" he said in the verge of tears, rubbing his face with his palms trying to control his emotions.

He is so frustrated and felt helpless because of all that's happening in their life that he was vexed of this blackmailing.
The guys were shocked to see Arjun this vulnerable. They were out of words seeing their once strong friend so lost.

"Aakash and Pranav cannot be behind this orphanage Arjun. They don't have resources to buy it." Ajay said sighing.

"You guys said that Bhargav got a phone call blackmailing a kidnap right? If it makes you feel better, I will try to get the recording and will see if the voice matches with anyone we know." Ajay added trying to make Arjun's mood better.

Arjun gave a small smile and walked to the mini bar thats on one side of the room to pour some scotch. Just the moment Boby came barging into the study his face fear stricken.

"What happened?" Arjun demanded, panic raising in him. Boby stood still unable to form words fearing the outburst that's about to come from his boss.

"Answer me dammit" Arjun shouted. "Ki.. Kittu was kidnapped from his school sir" Boby stuttered.

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