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Sara left seeing Arjun coming to us. He stood next to me took the files and the handbag from me. I didn't respond to anything and let him take them.

"Please don't talk Arjun. I am still mad at you. I don't want to speak anything now." I said after the elevator doors closed leaving us to privacy.

"I am sorry" he said trying to take my hand. I took a step back taking my hand away from him.

He was hurt. But I couldn't help it. These hormones were making me crazy and even if I want to cool down a bit, I couldn't. That's the thing with pregnancy hormones, we cannot control the emotions.
He sucked in a breath and turned to face the elevator doors.

"Mam, here's the hot pack" Boby said giving me a bag. I looked at Arjun to see him waiting for me to get in the car. Not saying anything I took the bag and got in.

Closing the door, he rounded the car and sat next to me. Without speaking he took the hot pack from my lap and placed behind me.
I sighed feeling the hotness of the bag reliving the pain a bit. I moved back and closed my eyes so he could take off his hand.


"What happened?" Abhi asked seeing our gloomy faces. By the time we reached the orphanage Abhi was already waiting for us.

"Where are the others?" I asked not replying for what he asked.
"I see you guys don't want to answer the question" he said nodding his head.

"Vaibhav is on his way. Ajay and Rohan are not joining us. There's no need for all of us now anyways. We will have a meeting once he accepts our take over."

Vaibhav joined us a few minutes later with a frown.
"What happened to you?" Abhi asked exasperated. "It's Shalini" he said rubbing his face. "What's with her?" Abhi asked crossing his hands.

"She couldn't find her hot pack, and asked if I had seen it. How could I know where she kept that?" He said scowling.

"You said what she was doing in home 'cause you guys just got from there" I finished for him.
"Yea" he shrugged getting confused seeing me scowl at him.

"Wah! You guys are..! I actually don't have any words to say." I said trying not to yell at him. Two people that were dear to me had been assholes today. I mean how can they be so insensitive?

"How can you guys be so insensitive? Don't you guys see that we are trying to bear the pain without bothering you guys but still sometimes it gets out of control and ask for help. Instead of being helpful, you point out the obvious which we would have already done by the way." I vented my anger on them.

Am I over reacting?! But who cares. They were assholes today. Then they should faces the consequences.
I walked out of there to meet Mr. Bhargav, owner of the orphanage.
He is a man of may be 50 years old with greying hair his gold framed eye glasses giving him a sophisticated look.


After her lash out, Mythi walked away from us in the direction of a room which seemed like an office room.

We three stood there stupified seeing her yell at us, which started with Vaibhav and eventually I was included in the context. Yea she was very subtle about that *sarcasm*.

"Did the argument with Shalu was like this?" Abhinav asked still in trance.
"It was less intense." Vaibhav answered not blinking his eyes petrified, staring at Mythi as she walked.

"Welcome to the world of Mythili." I said chuckling a little. "I guess this is the first you guys have seen her lash out like this."

"No man.. she slapped me for cheating on Shalu remember?" Vaibhav said keeping a hand on his cheek.
"That was less scarier than pregnant Mythi bro" Abhinav said while we two nodded in agreement.

We still haven't moved from our places when Mythi turned back and glared at us. Seeing her glare, we started walking fastly to her not ready to get bashed by her anger again.


"Omg! Look at you..! All big and glowing.. how are you my dear? You look beautiful by the way." Mr. Bhargav said seeing Mythili.
"Thanks uncle. Am fine. How are you?" She asked side hugging him.

"As good as I can be" he said with a friendly smile.
"This is Arjun my husband and his friends Abhinav and Vaibhav " she said introducing us to him.

After our pleasantries we took our seats on one side of the table with Mythi next to me and Mr. Bhargav sat on the other side.

"I should be angry on you. You missed my wedding." Mythi said pouting.

"Am sorry dear, some moron's been blackmailing me to give this property to him. I have been dealing with him." He said sighing.
"What! Who is that?" She asked shocked.

We were also surprised to here that. But we will be more surprised if anyone hasn't attempted to get this property. It's such a huge land at a decent area, which has a very good scope for development. It's a wonder how he managed all these days in gaurding this.

"No idea dear. I got the calls through a private number. It was non traceable. They tried kidnaping a kid to prove their point. But we were lucky. That kid was smart and escaped before it was too late." He filled in with incident that happened.

"That's scary. Anyways, the trouble will be over, if we can make this deal work uncle." She said and turned to us to take over the conversation.

"Well Mr. Bhargav, as you already know, we want to invest in charity and this seemed best option. We will invest the amount and we will have the ownership of the orphanage, but you will be the one managing this like it was before." Abhinav said.

"Important thing is, every kid must finish their education and every penny should be used for education, the infrastructure, facilities, food and all the others. Every penny Mr Bhargav. We want geniune staff and not some greedy fellows." Vaibhav said seriously.

I couldn't concentrate on the meeting. Mythi was squirming in her seat and all I wanted was to scoop her in my hands and take her home.
Finally Mr Bhargav agreed to our terms and the deal was done.

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