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Removing my slippers, I put my feet on the stool that's placed infront my chair. I almost cried feeling the comfort this chair offered.

A few minutes into my relaxing, I heard some commotion from Arjun's cabin. Getting up I rushed to his cabin. Opening the door I went inside to see chaos. Everything is broken. Ajay is sitting on the couch with his head in his hands while Arjun is looking out of the window.

"Arjun what happened?" I asked walking to him. In my hastiness I stepped on a glass piece. "Ahhh!" I gasped feeling the sting on my sole.

"Mythi.!" Arjun was by my side holding me before I could fall. Lifting me bridal style he sat me on couch and kneeled infront of me.
Ajay stood up giving me space to put my legs. There's a big glass piece that's pierced in my foot. Both of them cursed seeing my wounded foot. Ajay rushed to the bathroom to bring the firstaid kit while Arjun was trying to remove the glass shred.

"Why aren't you wearing your slippers Mythili? Why are you so careless?" Ajay scolded and took out his phone to inform Rohan.
Not replying to him, I looked at Arjun, angry for the mess he created.

"Arjun look at me. What happened here?" I asked trying to control my anger. "I will tell you later. First let's treat your wound." He said in a most calm voice he could muster considering the situation here.

When he was about to pull the glass piece Ajay stopped him. "Arjun wait. You might break it. Rohan said he is near and will reach us in 5min. Let's wait for him"

I adjusted my leg hissing to the pain that came with the movement.
"I am sorry love" Arjun said. "What happened Arjun?" I asked again. "Please trust me on this. I will take care of the issue. Don't worry about anything." He said almost pleading me.
"Mythili, don't stress yourself. You cannot do anything even if you know about the issue." Ajay added. I sighed.

A few minutes later Rohan rushed into the room "what the fuck!" He exclaimed seeing the mess. Finally his eyes landed on me.

"Sunshine! How can you be so careless! Why are you walking barefooted that too in office." He scolded checking my wound. Wearing some disposable gloves, he started removing the glass piece.

"Your friend should know why I had to rush like this." I said glaring at Arjun. He looked guilty . But I was angry, not because I was hurt, 'cause he is not sharing his problem with me.

"I am sorry love. I acted on impulse. I was angry." He said taking my hands in his'.
"You getting angry and acting on impulse didn't bring any change except cause damage Arjun. What if you got hurt? Who will take care of us?" Tears formed in my eyes. He hugged me with guilt all over his face.

Rohan finished bandaging the wound and gave me an injection. "These are antiseptics and painkillers" he said giving a few tablets to Arjun.


"Let's shift you to your cabin. I will inform Sara to send someone to clean the mess" I said helping her sit.

Maya has stopped working since she needed a lot of bedrest, there seems to be a mild complication with her pregnancy but doctor assured it will be cleared by second trimester.

Sara is the new receptionist to the floor and had become quite close to Mythi. It's not a surprise though, anyone instantly likes her.

"Arjun put me down. I can still walk." She shrieked when I lifted her bridal style. Not replying to her I calmly walked to her cabin.

"Arjun, you shameless fellow" she said hitting me and hid her face in my chest when other employees saw us. Rohan and Ajay chuckled "ho shut up guys, you are supporting him?" She scowled at them. They nodded their heads assertively which earned them glares from mythi.

Putting her on the couch I placed a pillow beneath her wounded leg. "I will just come love. You stay put." I warned and walked out of the cabin with Rohan and Ajay behind me.

"What the hell Arjun? You remember that your wife is pregnant right?" Rohan lashed out as soon as we entered an empty conference room. Sighing I plopped on a chair and ran a hand through my hair.

"What's his problem?" He asked Ajay. He showed the photos we received today and told about the phone call.
"This is so fucked up man" he said plopping in a chair opposite to me.

"Does she know?" He asked. "Not yet. I don't know what to do" I said sighing.
"Stress is not good for her Arjun. Keeping matters from her will increase her anxiety." Rohan said.

"Are you out of your mind? Telling about Aakash will also increase her stress. You know how we are feeling right now right? You want to put this pressure on her?" Ajay asked exasperated.

"No listen. It's better to feel the pressure of knowing than not knowing. Moreover she will be careful if she knows about the danger we might be in" Rohan explained.

"What he is saying makes sense Ajay." I said after sometime. She will know about all these one day or the other. So it's better for her to know now itself. But the question is, how am I going to tell her that her sister died because of our rivals?!

"I know I am always correct." Rohan said with a smug look. "Anyways I need to get going. Maya has her gynec appointment today." He said getting up. "Let us know how the appointment goes" we said walking.

"Hmm. And remember Arjun she is carrying twins. It's more complicated than singleton. I am repeating this so many times. Control your anger." Rohan said again.

"Gosh it was just one time. I know I was stupid. Don't picturise me as an animal without brain." I said exasperated. They chuckled listening to me.

"The injection I gave will make her drowsy. Let her sleep. Share the issue with her as soon as possible." Rohan continued.

"Will you stop it? You are giving instructions like I am a kid." I scowled at them.
"That's because we care for you guys. Take care." Ajay said patting on my shoulder and they both disappeared behind the elevator.

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