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Abhinav and Rohan stayed at my place for the night. We had been caught up in our memory lane that we didn't realise it was almost midnight.

Some time during midnight my mobile rang. Seeing Mythili's number I sat up.

"Arjun, it's Shalini. Mythili is burning with fever and not waking up. Please bring a doctor." She said as soon as I picked the call.
"What?! I am on my way." I said taking my car keys.

I came to Mythili's flat in no time, rushed into her bedroom to her side.
I took her into my arms and touched her forehead to feel the temperature. She is burning. Though her forehead was covered with a wet cloth, it didn't seem to help in bringing down the fever.

"Did you check the temp?" I asked Shalini who is next to the cot on the other side. "Yea. It's 103°. Where's the doc.?" she asked worried.

"Abhinav is bringing him." I said turning my attention to Mythili.
At the same time Mythili moaned as if in pain.

"Baby." I said trying to wake her up. Her face is so pale, her lips chapped, burning with fever, there's no life in her face. I was terrified. I felt helpless.

"Arjun, let Rohan check her." Abhinav said coming into the room.
I stood up to give him space.

"How was she before sleeping?" He asked checking her.
"Complained about stomachache and vomited once. But she was fine talking to us before going to bed. It's just sometime before, she started moaning like she was in pain and when I checked her she was burning with fever." Shalini explained.

"It feels like a food poisioning." Rohan said.
"But the food was of very high quality." Maya said startled by what he said.

"There are chances that someone might have poisoned her food. I mean she was the main attraction yesterday. And will be an easy target to get to Arjun." He said frowning with the possibility of his thought.

"Anyways let's see till tomorrow morning. I will give her a shot now. If she doesn't get better, we will take a blood test".

After a few minutes everyone left the room. I sat next to Mythili and took her burning hand into mine.

"Someone might have poisoned her food" Rohan's words rang in my ears.

Fishing my phone out of my shorts I phoned Ajay. "What man?" He said in his sleep.

"I want you to check through today's party's footages. If you could find anything suspicious." I told him. "Why? What happened" He asked. I told about Mythi and Rohan's suspicion.

"I will look into it. You just take care of her." Saying he disconnected the call.

Sighing I slid next to Mythili, taking her into my arms slowly drifted to sleep.

Few hours into midnight, Mythili started moaning again. She was stirring, her face scrunched as in pain. I jerked up and started waking her.

"Rohan, come fast." I shouted.
Thankfully Abhinav and Rohan stayed back just incase if we need something. He rushed into the room.
"It's better we take her to the hospital. We will have to take blood tests." He said.

Soon Mythili was admitted into hospital and they started taking blood samples. Tubes were connected to her sending medicines through IV.

Seeing her so weak and lifeless, I understood how important she was to me. It felt like something's happening to me seeing her suffer.

It was sometime in the morning her fever subsided. She still didn't wake up. But her condition stabilised.

"As suspected, it was food poisioning." Rohan said coming into the room we were in with some papers in his hands.

"All we have to know is how." I said running my hand through my hair, barely containing my frustration on not knowing who poisoned her food because there is no other way was the food is contaminated.

"She will be alright in two to three days. Don't worry." He said patting my shoulder and left the room.
I sighed in relief knowing she will be alright in no time.

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