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It's been more than a month since that day. Kittu has become more restless being in home all day. His only relaxation was going to school.

We even stopped meeting our friends. It was not planned but somehow everyone is busy and couldn't get the opportunity to meet.

After Aakash's phone call, Ajay has started digging deep and almost caught them. He found from where they were operating.

Before we could do something, they got to know about us tracking them and escaped from there. Since then there's been no movement from them. Our guess is they are bidding their time.

The chirping of birds woke me up from my sleep. But the warmth radiating from the body next to me is making it impossible to leave the comfort of sleep.

Adjusting myself to be as comfortable as possible with my protruding belly, I put my head on Arjun's bare chest, listening to his heart beat. It always brings a sense of calmness in me listening to his lub-dub, I am pretty sure that beats for me.

He gently ran a finger on my face tucking a hair strand behind my ear. Angling my head up, I squinted my eyes to clear the sleep. He is wide awake, already staring at me, with one hand below his head while the other has encircled around me.

"Good morning love" he said in his husky morning voice.
"Morning" I said smiling. "How are you guys today?" He asked gently rubbing my bump.

"We are feeling lazy. I want breakfast on bed" I asked with a pout.
"Ofcourse milady. Coming up right away" he said kissing me and got up.


I came into our room with a tray, Kittu tagging behind me. Mythili was sleeping again hugging my pillow. A smile formed seeing her serene face.

"Mommy you are late." Kittu said jumping on the bed effectively waking Mythi.
"Krish careful" I warned. "Sorry dad" he said with a sheepish grin and sat next to Mythi.

"Go away you guys. Let me sleep for some more time" Mythi said covering her face with a pillow.
"Mom wake up" Kittu pulled the pillow away from her.

Dobby jumped on to the bed sitting in between me and Mythi while Kittu was on other side of her. Kittu was kissing and literally massaging and pinching her cheeks with his tiny palms in the name of pampering.

"Alright I am awake. Stop manhandling me." She said laughing and woke up.
"Good morning mom" he said with a cheeky grin, hugging her. "Morning my little man" she said ruffling his hair and kissed his cheeks.

Dobby barked trying to break their hug, so that she could pamper him. She laughed seeing his excitement.
"Good morning to you too Dobby" she said patting him and kissed.

"Then what about me? I didn't get any morning kiss" I said with a fake hurt.
Laughing she kissed me and stared at me "thank you for such a wonderful morning" she said with a small smile. "This is nothing love. It's your smile and laugh that makes our day wonderful " I said cupping her face giving her a peck.

She was about to answer but stopped with a small gasp placing a hand on her bump. "What happened? Are you in pain?" I asked worried.

"No! Babies kicked.!" She said placing her both hands on her bump and gasped again laughing.
"Really? Let me feel" I said getting excited and placed a hand on her bump. "Me too, me too" Kittu sat next to her.

She took our both hands placing them on either side of her stomach and we waited.
A few seconds later we felt a small kick. That feeling was magical.
"Woah! This is amazing." Kittu shouted excited. "Yes buddy. It's amazing. Your mom is amazing" I said kissing her forehead.

"Kittu go get ready. We will drop you to school today." I said keeping the plate he just finished aside.

"Dad it's Krish. Don't call me Kittu." He whined. Since the time he started going to school, he didn't want us to call him Kittu.
I raised an eyebrow "alright Mr. Krish, go and get ready" I said chuckling.

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