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"Boby where is Arjun now?" I asked getting into the car.
"He just returned to office mam. Is everything alright mam?" He asked sitting in the driver's seat.
"Yea everything's fine. Drive to office and drive a little fast." I said controlling my emotions.

I rushed to Arjun's cabin and barged into the room.
Startled by the sudden movement he looked up to see me "Love, is everything ok? Are you crying?!" He asked as soon as he saw my face and came to me.

I threw myself onto him and cried my hearts out, showing my gratitude. I was so immersed in my work and my life that I forgot to thank the people who actually worked hard to make the day memorable.
But Arjun, he remembered my wish and fulfilled them, without me asking him.

"Thank you Arjun. Thank you so much." I said not lifting my head from his chest.
"Baby, look at me. Why are you thanking me?!" He asked bewildered, cupping my face.

"You gifted mobiles and perfumes to the team from event organisers?" I said it as a statement.
"Oh! That one.! It's nothing love. You wanted to treat them. You were sick at that time. So I told Maya to send those to them. It's not a big deal." He said shrugging.

"But that was my wish. I forgot about that. Thanks for doing that for me."
"But you were more generous than me." I said with a teasing smile.

"The most valuable thing for me is you love. Everything else is not so important. If it makes you smile, I will give up everything just for that beautiful smile." He said pecking me.
"I love you Aju " I said hugging him.


"You look beautiful love." I said kissing her. I came to Mythi's flat to pick her up for our date. She was wearing a wine red floor length skirt. She looked serene.

"And these are for you" and gave her a rose bouquet.
"Thank you Arjun. You look handsome too" she said with a smile.

Pecking her lips, I guided us to my car. Opening the passenger door for her and helped her sit. Coming to driver seat I started our car.

"Where is Vijay?" She asked turning slightly to me.
"I sent him home."
She hummed and started some music.
Tylor Swift's 'August' was playing on the radio.
"Wow I love this song." She said and started singing along with the song.


We stopped at a beach. It seemed deserted. As soon as I got out of the car Arjun covered my eyes with his hand.
"Arjun what are you doing?!" I shrieked.
"Relax love. Just walk with me." He said and we started walking.
After walking for a few minutes, he let go of me.

I gasped seeing the view. There is a table and chairs near the shore. Fairy lights were decorated around the area. My favourite song is playing in the background and to top of that it was full moon.!

I once said to Arjun that this is my fantasy. To have a candle light dinner in beach on full moon with my favourite songs playing in the open area. Though those were not candles those fairy lights almost looked like them.

Tears formed in eyes. These days he is making me too emotional. I don't think I can love this man anymore than I already do.

"You remembered?" I asked with shaky voice.
"Ofcourse love. I will do anything in my hands to make you happy. This is just a simple matter." He said shrugging as if it is nothing. "All I want is you to be happy. Do you like it?" He asked cupping my face.

"I love it Arjun. I love you." I said hugging him. "I love you too baby. Glad you liked it. Come let's eat." He said dragging me to the table.

"Tara is coming to meet me. She is bringing her husband and Kittu also." I said getting excited. We were having dinner talking here and there.
"That's nice. When are they coming?" He asked.
"In two days. Kittu is so excited to meet you." I said chuckling. He raised an eyebrow.

"Apparently, Tara had fed him all lies saying you are the prince charming who swept the princess of her feet and most humble man blah blah blah.." I said smiling.

His full blown laughter filled the place. It was always enchanting to see him laugh. It makes me feel privileged to see his laugh. Not many people have seen him with any other expression other a scowl or a stone face.

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