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They returned home after a week in the hospital. Mythili became silent almost like a zombie after her breakdown. The most she would respond is to Kittu. She was grateful that atleast Kittu was safe and by her side.

"Mythili, did you eat?" Shalu asked coming to Mythi who was in the half decorated nursery. They were supposed to finish decorating the room in the week when Mythi was kidnapped.

It's been a month now since she came home. She spent most of her time the nursery, staring at the void.
She just shook her head and went back to staring through the window.

"Mythili look at me. That's enough. For how many days will you be like this? Do you know how this is affecting Kittu or Arjun? Do you realise that even Arjun lost the babies?" Shalini asked holding Mythili's shoulders. "It's not fair for him Mythi." She said softly.
That's when realisation hit her like a bucket of ice water.

Before she could respond Shalu gasped holding her belly. Shocked they looked down to see a puddle of water near Shalu's feet. "My water broke" Shalu whispered wide eyed.
"Arjun..!" Mythili yelled coming out of her shock when Shalini shouted in pain.

Arjun has started working from home after Mythili's discharge. He was scared to leave her alone. Though her friends would visit and spend time with her daily, he still wanted to be around. He didn't know how to cheer her up.

Everyday he would see her crying silently sitting in a corner of the nursery. During night she would wake up from her sleep shouting. Nightmares haunted her after the peril she went through. Arjun would hug her and console her.

Hearing Mythi's panicked voice, he rushed to the nursery. "Her water broke" she said helping Shalu sit on the bed.
Mythi informed Vaibhav while rushing Shalu to the hospital.

"Where is she?" Vaibhav asked rushing to Mythi and Arjun. "In there. It's alright. You have to calm down first" Mythili said holding Vaibhav's hands who looked like he was about to faint.

Taking a few deep breaths, he went into the room where Shalini was.

Their other friends rushed to the hospital after few minutes, everyone anxiously waiting.

"It's a boy" Vaibhav said coming out of the room beaming. Everyone cheered for him, happy with the news. "What's his name?" Neetu asked. "Akhil" Vaibhav answered with a proud smile on his face.


Mythi was sitting on their bed waiting for Arjun. After spending some time in the hospital they returned home.

Apparently Arjun had some important conference call and had to return home, much to Mythi's dismay. She so wanted to spend time with Akhil and Shalini. To her surprise she didn't feel bad for herself seeing her friend deliver the baby.

"Love! You didn't sleep?" Arjun asked surprised to see Mythi awake past her bed time.
"I wanted to talk to you." She said softly playing with an end of a pillow that's on her lap. Arjun sat infront of her and bent his face a little to look at her face questioningly.

"I am sorry Arju. I was so immersed in my grief that I forgot it's not only me but you too lost our babies. I couldn't be with you. Please forgive me." She said tears forming in her eyes.

Holding her chin with thumb and forefinger he lifted her face and looked into her tear filled eyes. Though it hurt him seeing Mythi tear up, he felt relieved that finally she was speaking about the babies.

"Don't say like that love. I know you are more connected to our babies than me. They were growing in your womb. Not mine. Though I feel sad about our babies I am more concerned about you. I don't want to loose you again love." He said hugging her.

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