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After dropping Kittu at school we came to the doctor.
"Hello doctor, I am Arjun and this is my wife Mythili." He said giving a hand shake to Dr. Sudha, Rohan's friend.

"Hey hi Arjun, Mythili. We met before, in Rohan's party. I remember you." She said smiling. "Rohan said you guys are pregnant. Congrats on that."

"And I heard about your friends too.. what a gang man. All getting married on the same day getting pregnant at the same time." She said chuckling. "Yea it's crazy." I said chuckling.

"Come and lay on the cot Mythili. We will do an ultrasound. This is your first scan I presume?" She asked going near the equipment that's next to the cot. "Yes doctor." I said laying down.

"This will be cold" doctor warned before squeezing some gel onto my stomach. Still the chillness took me off guard. I gasped and squeezed Arjun's hand that was holding mine. "I told ya." She said chuckling.

"Okay.. let's see" she said moving the wand on my stomach. "Ah! Here. See the babies. You are having twins. Seems like you're in your 10th week."

Though we were lightly prepared after mom's guess, it still took us off gaurd by doctor's confirmation.
"Let's hear the heart beat." Two sets of lub dubs filled the room. This will be my fav music forever.

I turned to see Arjun. He has tears in his eyes looking at the monitor without blinking. When he realised I was looking at him, he bent down to kiss me on my forehead and cleared my tears with his palms. That's when I realised I was crying.

"Clean off the gel. I will give you the copies of the scan." She said passing me some tissues and left the room. Arjun took the tissues and wiped off the gel. Helping me sit up he cupped my face. "I love you so so much love" he said and kissed me softly pouring all the love into the kiss.

"Here are the copies. And the medicines you need to take" doctor said giving us a prescription. "Everything is fine with the babies but you need to eat more. Since it is twins, you need to eat a lot more than a regular pregnant woman. You will feel the weight from now itself. So be careful while you walk. Have lots of liquids and proper healthy diet. If you take healthy diet properly, you can eat whatever you want to without any restrictions. But don't forget to balance the diet. And the next appointment will be during 14th week. So it will be like after a month. We will know the gender then." She said and explained about all the do's and don'ts.

On the way we phoned our parents to tell the news. Everyone is very happy and surprised. "Told ya! My guess is always correct." Deepa mom said teasing us.


Mythi : we are having twins guys.!👯
She informed our friends in our group.

We came straight to home after doctor's visit. After Mythi got comfortable in the living room couch, I came to my study to finish of some work before Kittu drags us to the park.

But my phone won't stop beeping as the group is very active with chatting now. Apparently everyone has visited Dr Sudha in these two days and are sharing the news in the group.

Shalu: you are the only one having twins among us Mythi. All the best for the more intense roller coaster 🤪

Mythi : 😑😑

Neetu : shut up shalu🤫, don't panic her. We will see who troubles more

Mythi : thank you Neetu. 🤗

Vaibhav : See the fun guys, every one of them is a trouble maker and is telling on others. Only we know how we are going to cope up with you guys.

Abhinav : that's true man.!

Everyone agreed with Vaibhav, which resulted in our partners anger.

Mythili barged into my room with an angry face. "What trouble did I cause you?" She said coming near me.

I pulled her onto my lap and kissed her. "I was joking love." Saying I kissed her again without giving her a chance to speak.

Her hand found my hair pulling and tugging, while I kissed her senseless. Letting go of her lips I pestered feather light kisses along her jaw trailing down to her neck. I kissed her soft spot slightly grazing her neck with my teeth. She moaned pulling my hair and angled her neck to give more access to me making me loose control.

"Mom! Dad!" Kittu shouted rushing into the study. Groaning I let go of her. "Dad let's go to the park." He said coming to us. Mythili picked him up and made him sit on her lap while she is still on me.

"Alright bud. Let's go." I said patting his head.
"Before that go and freshen up" Mythili said kissing his forehead. "Ok mom. Come fast." He said kissing her cheek and ran out of the room.
"Come you should eat something before we go." I said taking Mythi's hand and went to the kitchen.


"Dad! Can I have him please?" Kittu asked while playing with a small puppy in the park. Mythili was sitting on the bench under a tree while I was standing, just got off my phone.

I looked at Mythili to see her already seeing me with a warning look to not to budge for his wishes.
This little cheeky fellow had found that I couldn't say no to him. So if he wants something so badly he will come straight to me.

"Daddy please. See he is so cute and small. Please let me have him." He asked giving the best puppy dog eyes he could muster looking more cute than that puppy.

I sighed. I definitely know I cannot say no to him. "Okay. But you should take care of him and feed him. Ok?" I said sternly.

"Thank you dad! I love you so much." He said nodding his head. "Uncle Boby, see dad agreed to have the puppy" he said shouting and ran to Boby who is few feet away from us.

Boby has become quite close to us and Kittu is more attached to him. Sometimes only Boby can control Kittu's tantrums.

"You are spoiling him Arjun" Mythili said angrily. "How can he take care of that puppy?"

"Come on love. You know I cannot say no to him. We will help him. I will appoint a care taker for that puppy. Let him have the dog. He will have decipline and will know how to take care of others. It will be helpful for him when we have the twins." I said sitting next to her and putting my hand around her shoulder.

"But still, you are allowing him for whatever he asks you. It's not good for him Arjun. He should know the value of things." She said frowning. "Baby relax. He is just a kid. He won't be spoiled. Trust me."

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