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7.50 in the morning, school aisle.

Hyunsoo stepped to her class, with her fingers tugging under her bag's shoulder strap. She stopped as soon as she reached a class. Hyunsoo whirled around to face the door and looked up.

Class 3-1, the board on the door shows.

It was already 3 days since school has started, but this was the first time she had entered her class. Being a vice president candidate already kept her busy as the teacher keep calling her for help.

It's not like she doesn't like it, it's just that, is Ryujin not a candidate too?

Sliding the door open, her eyes wandered around, scanning her classmates' faces. Some of them were familiar to her but some were not.

It stopped moving instantly as her eyeballs caught a person at the edge of the class.

Unlike the others, his table just stands by itself. Only him at the back of the class, no other table for his tablemates.

Her eyebrows hitched as she saw the bandage that wrapped neatly around his head. It was not the bandage that caught her attention, but the color of it.

Scarlet red.

Hyunsoo saw the same bandage on the first day but the color at that time was lighter than today.

It was red, like a Bleeding Heart flower. The bandage was blotchy as well. Like it was reused frequently.

Should I say hi and ask him what happen? Hyunsoo bit her lower lips. She stood in front of the door for more than five minutes already

She took a step toward him before she discontinues as she saw someone passed him a new cotton pad from the back door.

" Don't you want to sit? Or you wanted to stand for the rest of the day? " A voice greet.

She snapped her head to the owner of the voice " Come here, sit beside me. You look like a hen lost its eggs "

Hyunsoo's nose crinkled as she tched after she saw her best friend.

Hwang Aeri

Her three years classmate

She moved her leg to approach the girl " and what are you? a black crow which disturbed our peace? " She replied, filling in the empty seat beside her.

Aeri scrunched her nose in annoyance as she rolled her eyeballs, earning a chuckle from her tablemate.

Hyunsoo hung her bag on the side of the table before her eyes trailed to the boy who sat in the same line as her. She eyed him as his friend dabbed sort of medication on his wound.

The wound look so bad. Hyunsoo squeezed her eyeballs to have a better look at the open wound.

His flesh was torn, showing the content inside. It looks like a new wound by the blood that flowing out constantly.

" Do you like him? " Aeri asked, making Hyunsoo snap her head back to Aeri.

" Who? "

Aeri pursed her lips outward, pointing at someone as Hyunsoo's eyes followed the direction as it lead to the boy that she was looking at just now " No " She responded sternly

" Then why are you so eager to have him as your partner and why did you look at him in such a long time? " A side of her lips turned up as she squinted her eyes, leaning closer to Hyunsoo.

Hyunsoo let out a sigh and pushed Aeri's face with her palm " Okey, answer me Aeri "

Aeri dropped her head as passion sparked in her eyes.

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