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It is 8.00 a.m. in the morning.

The students began to flood the auditorium which is round in shape. Each seat was filled in without leaving any empty space in between.

The projector that hung on the ceiling shot the light out of it as the big screen on the stage reflected the content showing the title of today's event

Humans Right Education
say "NO" to bully

Jaehyuk stood beside the auditorium's door. Both Heeseung and Hyunsoo pleaded him to make sure no one get hurt when they were crowding into the auditorium through the small space.

While the two got ready on the stage, behind the curtain.

Both put their blazer on. Not forget their nametag which has shown both their position and name. The difference is that Hyunsoo wrapped a silk cream scarf around her neck while Heeseung is not.

Hyunsoo took a deep breath, eased her racing heart. This is her first time talking in front of a crowd so she felt like her heart almost jump off her body.

Unlike Heeseung, he is used to being at the center of attention of the school. Instead of nervousness, excitement crept all over him as he smiled all along his preparation.

" Just read the script as it has been written, " He said.

Heeseung glanced at his watch. Three minutes before the talk will start.

" Hyunsoo, It's time " He urged, stepping out of the curtain, showing himself to the crowd without glancing up at the said girl.

Hyunsoo's eyebrows knitted into a line, nose scrunched up, judging his whole existence but quickly bent forward when the technical unit shoved her a mic " Thank you " She said.

Hyunsoo checked herself for the last time by making sure the scarf was completely covering her neck. She pulled her lapels together to make them rest perfectly on her shoulder.

After she was confident with her presence, she finally stepped up to take her place on Heeseung's side.

wait, Heeseung's side? ew.

Okay, let's replay

Hyunsoo walked off the curtain, chin up with her arms folded elegantly in front of her small waist, she took her place as a student vice president on Heeseung's left.

Now it sounds good.

" Students are kindly asked to stand up to welcome the arrival of the teachers " Heeseung announced.

Like the mute button pressed, the crowds quieted down as they followed the president's instruction.

Along with the welcoming melody on the background, teachers entered the auditorium. Taking their seat right in front of the stage as the most important person.

" Students and teachers may sit, thank you " Heeseung's face beamed with a smile. Hyunsoo eyed him from the side, if this is not a formal event, she is pretty sure this auditorium was already full of screams and tears.

" Today, me, Student President, Lee Heeseung "

" And I, Student Vice President, Choi Hyunsoo "

" We welcome our teachers, friends and our younger students to our speech about Humans Right Education Talk at Teuhigh School " Heeseung turned his head to Hyunsoo to exchange looks as she bopped her head and proceed to lean closer to the microphone

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