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" You want to visit your mom? Is that mean you didn't stay with her? " Hyunsoo asked out of curiosity. She was told that Asahi was searching for a flower to give to his mom since it has a special event today.

Asahi didn't utter any answer as he smiled continuously while staring at Hyunsoo's back since she walked faster than him " You look confident. Do you know where I am heading to? "

A screeching sound from her shoes hit his ears when Hyunaoo stopped abruptly. She whirled around and pout " No " Seeing her pout somehow made him chuckle. 

Hyunsoo's face brightened up, she pointed at Asahi with her finger and squealed " You are smiling! " For her, this was a rare aight of him. She only saw him with his book with his joker face at school.

Asahi took her in sight and nodded " should we get going? "

" Eung! " Hyunsoo nodded eagerly and shoved him, her palm. " Show me the way " She said, putting on her innocent look.

Asahi's eyes went back and forth between her eyes and her hand. He looked at his palm and narrowed his eyes back to hers. Hyunsoo nodded when she saw him hesitate.

But, being an impatient human being, Hyunsoo snatched his hand in hers " Let's go " She urged.

Asahi nodded and glanced at his phone in his other hand before he keep it inside his jeans pocket.

Asahi nodded and glanced at his phone in his other hand before he keep it inside his jeans pocket

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They walked side by side, hand in hand as Asahi still stared at their intertwin hands. She is so small. Asahi thought. He tightened his grip and heard her babbling random things.

" Look! the mummy bird feeds her kids "

" Aww that kid gives her brother her ice cream "

" Asahi, rainbow! "

Asahi looked up to the sky to see the colorful rainbow. His face beamed with a smile. How he hopes to experience this always.

Be with Hyunsoo

Somehow give him some comfort.

" We are here " Asahi spoke up

Hyunsoo's jaw dropped. She felt her saliva having a hard time sliding down her throat. She turned to face Asahi.

A smiley Asahi.

It is a cremation house.

Hyunsoo felt her legs weaken. Asahi dragged her inside. Her eyes dropped to the flower in his hand.

White carnation

How can you not realize it? Hyunsoo scolded herself. White carnations symbolize pure love. Hyunsoo didn't doubt anything up until they arrived just now.

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