Watch Out!

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" Hi! Welcome to Rowe's Delights , what may I get for you? "

" Can I get a blueberry muffin with an ice water? "

" Your total is $3.00 , I'll have that out to you shortly! "

I grab a brown napkin before getting the muffin and fixing the customers ice water. I drop it by the table they are sitting at before passing a regular customer.

" More coffee Mr. Reid? " I say gesturing to his now empty cup.

" That would be wonderful Adalaide, thank you. " he says before looking back at his laptop.

I glance at the clock and realize that my shift ends in ten. I usually work the lunch hour which begins at eleven and ends at four pm, but a co-worker called in sick.

I head towards the office before giving it a knock.

" Do you need anything before I leave Mrs. Rowe? " I ask.

" No dear you go on , I'll see you tomorrow! " she says with a smile before looking back down at her papers with a frown.

I head out of the store and I am instantly greeted with fresh autumn air. I walk the short five minutes to my apartment and I unlock my door to see my reason to be .

" Hi baby! Did you miss mama? " I coo at my four month old.

" How did she do today? " I ask the sitter, Lorraine as I take little Ivy out of her arms.

" Wonderful as always! " she says grabbing her purse.

As she leaves I take my baby and hold her close to me before giving her a kiss on her curly brown hair.

" I love you, sweet girl."

She starts to babble at me a bit while smiling as I carry her towards the kitchen.

I look in the pantry and I mentally face palm myself for not getting groceries before I came home.

" Let's run to the market. " I say tickling her belly.

I grab my nursing blanket even though she just had a bottle and my bag before heading out towards my car.

I strap her in and give her a kiss on the nose before I start the car up and head out.

" Cheetos or Doritos? " I say to Ivy.

She looks at me before babbling, and I decide on Cheeto Puffs.

I grab some fresh fruits and veggies before heading to the check out.

" Awe, your sister is so cute! " someone says.

I look up and see a man about my age waving at Ivy who looks at him weirdly.

I let out a laugh before replying.

"She's my daughter , it's okay a lot of people mistake her as my sister " I say still holding her as I put my bags in the cart.

" Oh , right. " he says scratching the back of his head before walking away.

I let out a small laugh before kissing Ivy's head and paying the lady at the register.

After I put my things into my car and buckle Ivy in , we head home.

I begin planning out my meals , so I can save money for when Ivy needs formula and things like that when she's older , and I cook for the week while Ivy is bouncing in her little chair.

" Let's get you a bath sweet girl. "

Ivy doesn't really like her baths , she doesn't cry but she gives you the evil eye the whole time and you can't help but laugh at her cute face.

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