Best celebration ever.

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" Touchdown by number twenty two, Maddox- " the crowd roars as the clock runs out , leaving with us as the winning team. I jump from my chair as I cheer them on , joining the crowd.

Quinn and Rome tackle Maddox at the end zone as the rest of the team swarms them in celebration. My throat is raw from screaming and cheering the boys on. Elation runs through me as I watch them celebrate their win together.

"Come here! " Rome shouts as he looks at me.

A smile takes over my face as I take no time in running onto the field. I finally make it to the guys and I'm instantly lifted off of the ground to see those piercing blue eyes looking at me with pure happiness.

" Congratulations pumpkin! " I say giddily.

His eyes light up at the nickname before he puts me down and kisses me. The kiss is soft and warm, as he holds me tightly by the waist.

" Our turn you mammoth! "

Quinn snatches me away before the boys all pull me into a hug. I try my best to hug them back with the gear they have on.

" You guys did great! I'm so proud of all of you!" I say smiling widely.

" Thank you Lai, listen the team found a club and we're all going to celebrate there, are you com-"

" No, her and I are going to celebrate a different way." Maddox says with a smirk.

The boys mouthes drop open at Maddox's words as my eyes widen.

What's the different way?

4:00 PM
Saturday , Sept. 17th.

" This is what you meant by celebrating? " I laugh out as I run my fingers through Maddox's freshly showered hair.

We came back to the hotel and he grabbed a few clothes from his hotel room before we came to mine. He showered in my bathroom and now he smells of vanilla. We are now laying in bed watching a random movie on tv while he lays between my legs.

" There's nothing else I'd rather be doing." he says as his fingers drum against my thigh.

I hum in response as he flips around and he looks up at me.

" What? "

"You looked so beautiful in my jacket" he says with a smile.

I smile at him before I take in his chiseled back that is bare and his grey sweats on his legs. His hair is tangled in with his eyelashes, and his lips are plump.

I unconsciously lick my lips before I look into his eyes.

His eyes turn dark as he sees me looking at him and he lifts himself up with his arms before caging me in. He waste no time in kissing me which I return as I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me.

I moan into the kiss letting Maddox's tongue have access as he swirls it around in my mouth. I move my hands up his neck and into his hair before I gently tug on it, making him groan.

I feel myself growing wetter by the second as he puts a hand around my throat and gently squeezes it. He breaks the kiss and looks at me.

" Can I try something? " he asks.

I nod nervously as he slides down to my pj shorts and his fingertips grace the hem. I shiver at the contact before he looks up at me one last time. He gently pulls my shorts down and flings them across the room.

" Beautiful. " he says looking at me.

I flush bright red as he begins trailing kisses from my ankles. It's a aching pleasure that I feel as I watch Maddox kiss my inner thighs all the way up to my dripping sex. He hums in satisfaction before he slides his fingers along my slit.

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