
841 26 6

8:00 AM
Sunday , Sept 25th

" Ma!" Ivy babbles as she holds her spoon full of baby food. Her sticky little hand touches the tip of my nose before I take the wet cloth and I wipe her hand before wiping her face.

" You're growing up so fast bug."

Ivy said her first word a few days ago while Quinn held her and she pointed at me. I laugh at the memory as Quinn had tears in his eyes while the rest of the guys praised Ivy. I of course cried out of happiness and relief that her first word was not "fuck".

Today, Maya is covering for me at work so that I can spend time with Ivy. Later when Maya is off she is going to pick Ivy and I up so we can go to the guys house.

The guys have apparently planned a little surprise for today which I have no idea about so I'm excited to see what they've come up with.

Cleaning up the messy table up, I pick her up and we head towards my bedroom. The mess in the apartment that has grown over the past couple of days has gotten intense.

I decided then and there that today I will clean the apartment and also pick a few things up from the store with Ivy.

Before I start to get ready, I feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out to see grams is FaceTiming us. Quickly answering, her bright smile is the first thing I see.

" Happy 6 Months to you Ivy bug! " she says waving at a happy Ivy.

I laugh as Ivy squeals and I begin to talk to her about what's been going on recently. I set my phone down on my vanity and put Ivy in her bouncy chair while I get dressed. I pull on some jeans, white top, and a cardigan. Grams and I talk all the way until I apply my last coat of mascara.

I grab a bag and slip on some shoes before we head into Ivys room

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I grab a bag and slip on some shoes before we head into Ivys room. I pull her into a cute sweater set that grams had mailed to her for this day which is a cute shade of green. I pack her a small bag just in case and then we were ready to head out.

" Alright grams we're heading out! Say bye bye! " I say to Ivy as I show her how to wave.

She smiles at me before I hang up the phone and we set out into town.

It takes four total trips to bring the groceries up to the apartment while I carry Ivy in my other arm. This accomplishment made me feel good and motivated me even more to clean our apartment. I hadn't been out of my apartment in days so the fresh air was needed.

I first put up all of my fresh fruits and veggies followed by the snacks and lastly, I take out a fresh set of flowers and lay them out so that I can trim and water them after I clean.

I put Ivy in her bouncy chair before I pull on a pair of sweats and an old tee. I roll Ivys chair out into the living room where I can see her and I turn on a Disney movie for some background noise.

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