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2:30 AM
Friday August 19th

As I pull up to grandmas small home by the water, excitement fills my heart up to the brim.

I put the car in park before I see grandma running out and hugging me.

" I missed you sweet girl! Where's my other girl? "

We let go and I get a sleeping Ivy from the car as grandma ushers us inside and leads us to the guest bedroom where I see a crib and a bed.

" Thank you. " I say quietly.

I lay Ivy down before heading out to get my bags and taking them to the room. I pull out the monitor before heading to the living room to see grandma is watching Steve Harvey.

" So, what's going on? " she says turning the tv off.

" What do you mean? " I say fidgeting with my fingers.

" You were crying on the phone , now what's going on dear? "

I begin to tell grandma everything that's happened over the last few weeks and a few tears fall down my face.

" Well it sounds like this Maddox boy has feelings for you, men sometimes push women away because of how they feel. Not saying it's right, but he is probably just as confused as you. He also sounds jealous of Alec and you getting close. I'm glad you've found some friends up there that treat you well, they sound like such good boys. If I could I'd beat Easton's ass for all that he's done to you, it breaks my heart seeing you and Ivy going through this. But, I'm going to ask you because I'm your grandma, do you like Maddox? "

"I can't."

"Can't or won't because of past experiences?"

"Both, his mood swings are giving me whiplash. "

We continue to talk about it for a little longer before I change the subject.

" Have you seen him? "

" No. He calls for money just about everyday and he was fired from his job for stealing cleaning products and supposedly drinking them." she says cringing.

I close my eyes and almost gag at the thought.

" He called me the other day, called me by mom's name  and when I told him it was me, he began shouting at me and told me it was my fault she died." I say with tears streaming down my eyes.

" Honey, your father is a drunk who doesn't want to be helped. He is making his life miserable therefore trying to make everyone else's life miserable too. It's not your fault Juliet passed, it was an accident. " she says before hugging me.

We stay like that for a while, before she tells me to head to bed and get some sleep.

I walk in the guest room and lay down, looking at Ivys crib and her sleeping peacefully.

I fall asleep thinking about what grandma said to me.

8 AM
Sunday August 21st

Today Ivy and I are heading back to our apartment. It's been a wonderful time here in Jacksonville , we baked , saw mom at the cemetery , took Ivy to the zoo , and talked a lot. It's a rainy day , so I pull on some sweats and a matching hoodie and do the same to Ivy so we match. I decided I'm going to see dad today before we leave, it doesn't feel right leaving without at least trying.

" Are you sure you want to do this? " grandma says holding Ivy.

" No, I'll be back soon though okay? I love you both. " I say before shutting the driver door and heading to dads. Grandma told me he was staying with a friend of his and that he should be home.

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