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3:30 PM
Friday , September 16th

" Maya! Table 5 needs more Sauvignon Blanc." I say as I pass her in the kitchen.

" Got it! "

Maya and I have been working endlessly at Fleur D'Amore when we aren't in college. It's been a blessing and a curse at the same time.

A blessing that I've been given this opportunity, the money , and the experience.

A curse that I don't see Ivy for long periods of time during her growing stages , and the fact that my feet are killing me.

" Here is the chocolate soufflé for table 8 Ads." our pastry chef says knocking me away from my thoughts.

I thank him before walking out and heading towards the elderly couple.


"Ah! " Ivy says as she sees me walk in.

" Hi Ivy bug." I say picking her up from her chair. We've been working on saying mama, but ah is what comes out. It always puts a smile on my face.

" She loved the sweet potato baby food , but was not a fan of the peas." Leo says showing me a picture of a mad Ivy with peas on her lips.

I laugh at the picture and it makes Ivy smile before she sees the picture of herself , and then she is mad all over again.

This makes us all laugh at her.

" I've got it from here! You guys go. " I say giving them a hug and money

" What have we told you? Absolutely no money! " Julian says slapping my hand.

I shake my head before closing the door and then heading towards my bedroom to pick out an outfit for the football game.

" Cardigan or a hoodie sweet girl? " I say looking at both.

She babbles loudly and I take that as cardigan.

I give her a bottle of milk since she's not been latching onto me recently, and I pack a sweet potato baby food in her bag since she's beginning to like the baby foods I buy.

Except the peas..

As I hold her while she drinks her milk, her sleepy eyes look at me letting me know it's time for her nap. I lay her down before taking a picture and sending it to Maddox.

Maddox: My sleepy girl <3

I grab my monitor and I see she's drooling while holding her milk bottle close to her. I laugh at her before I get in the shower and do my routine.

After I get ready I see we are going to be late if we don't head out now, so I grab a sleeping Ivy and make sure to bundle her up a bit more so she's warm

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After I get ready I see we are going to be late if we don't head out now, so I grab a sleeping Ivy and make sure to bundle her up a bit more so she's warm.

This will be Ivys first game and it's also a surprise to Maddox since I usually keep her at home with Leo and Julian.

I hold Ivy close before getting her blanket and draping it over her. We begin walking towards the field and I see tons of people trying to find seats.

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