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I have about an hour left of my drive to the apartment. 

The small trip to see grandma was something that I definitely needed. It didn't quite go as planned, but then again nothing ever does. My father wasn't always a villain, he was once a great father and it's hard to come to terms with the fact he is not a good man anymore. Even after all these years, all the trauma I endured from him, my heart so badly wants to hold onto the good of the past rather than the harsh reality that is now.

The last hour goes by quickly as soft music plays lowly through the speakers and Ivy snores lightly. My arm and stomach have been a throbbing mess, the pain medicine wearing off each minute. It will be a challenge hiding this from the guys, but my main concern is caring for Ivy. 

My apartment complex comes into view and a sigh of relief leaves my lips. Pulling into the parking building, I park and then check my phone to see I have a message from Maddox.


Maddox: Can I come over when you're home?

Me: I don't know if that's a good idea

Maddox: Please

Me: Fine , I just got home

As soon as I put my phone down I turn my car off and out of my peripheral vision I spot Maddox walking towards my car.

Has he been here this whole time?

I glance down at my arm and ensure that my hoodie covers it well. The bandages are a bit thick and stick out of the sleeve if I don't pull it down enough. He goes to the drivers side and my heart rate spikes as I worry he will spot the small traces of blood that were left. Maddox opens the door and shoots me a small smile, which I return.

He seems to keep his focus on my as I get out and hold back a groan from the pain shooting through my arm. 


"Hi." he says.

"Can you grab the bags? They are in the trunk." I ask.

He nods before heading towards the back and I go ahead and grab Ivy. He gently shuts the trunk as he sees Ivy's sleeping figure before I lock the car and we head inside the complex. After a short elevator ride, I take out my keys and unlock the door.

"I'm just going to put her down really quickly. You can just drop the bags on the floor." I whisper out.

I walk into her nursery and lay her down before I take the monitor and turn it on. Once I can see her, I walk out and I see Maddox has sat on the couch.

" You disappeared this weekend. " he says as I sit next to him.

" I was in Florida. "

I cross my legs before turning my body to face him.

" Why are you here? " I ask.

" I came to apologize for what I said after the game, and at dinner. The truth is, I have never gotten so riled up because of an opponent. I'd never been so.. distracted...It wasn't your fault. I immediately felt like shit when I told you that you should've never came. I'm glad that you did." He says letting out a huff.

I listen and I realize that grandma was right, but so was I.


"Then I felt something new, jealousy. I was so jealous and upset that you had rode to the restaurant with Alec and not me or one of the guys. "

" That doesn't give you a right to blatantly call me a bad mother. " I snap back.

" I know that , you are a wonderful mother Lai who loves Ivy very much and I shouldn't have said it. I feel things for you that are new to me and it's fucking scary. Can we just start over? Have a clean slate? "

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