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" Does our mama bear have a crush? " Xavier says as they let me inside the apartment.

" No! It's only been one day." I argue, swatting his arm.

" You're blushing! " Quinn points out.

" Who was that. " Maddox says.

" It's from running! I'm going to shower. " I say with a laugh.

I give Ivy a quick kiss before I head towards my bathroom and take a steaming hot shower.

I make sure to tend to my stitches and wrap my arm before dressing in a matching set of sweats and a hoodie. I comb through my hair before I do my skin care and spritz a little bit of perfume on. Walking out, the guys are looking at me, eager to hear what happened.

Ignoring them, I make my way over to Ivy who Quinn is now holding. I take her from him, much to his dislike and I give her chubby cheeks a kiss.

"She's in a good mood." Rome whispers.

" I can hear you! " I laugh out.

"Are ya'll hungry?" I ask. They all nod eagerly and with that I make my way into the kitchen and take out what I had planned for dinner.

I begin to prep the steak, potatoes, green beans, and of course apples.

I keep my word, whether I am upset with someone or not.

Xavier comes up to the kitchen counter and sits on it before he takes Ivy and places her on his lap.

The boys are watching football but I  know that they're listening.

" So.. " 

"I never paid much attention to the people in my class. Today a world famous baker and cook came in today and had the class fill out a long questionnaire. Well, she picked me, Jasper, and a woman named Maya to work under her wing."

" Holy shit thats huge! " Quinn says turning to me and smiling.

Rome walks up to me and he nervously fiddles with his hands before looking at me.

" I uh invited Alec over, I hope that's okay. I am also really proud of you. " Rome says nervously.

I grab his hand and stop him from fiddling. I give him a smile and he instantly relaxes before he smiles back at me.

"Finally. " Xavier whispers with a smile.

"I invited Ella, she happened to be around the neighborhood. " Maddox says.

I stop cooking and I have to take a deep breath. Alec is always welcome, however Ella has given me no reason to want her in my apartment. I decide to give her one last chance, for the sake of Maddox's and I's friendship.

" You should invite Jasper." Xavier says nonchalantly. But if you were to look him in the eyes, mischief was written all over them.

"I'll be right back then." I say as I take Ivy from him.

I slip on some sneakers before I make my way to the elevator and press the button for the 4th floor. Walking to his door, I softly knock. Within seconds he opens it, and he smiles once he sees my face.

" Hi! Uh this is my daughter Ivy. " I say.

" Hi! She's beautiful." 

" You don't seem surprised? " 

" Like I said, we live in the same building." he says with a smile.

" Right! Well I'm making dinner and we'd like for you to join us?" I say hopeful.

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