
908 27 3

3:00 PM
Friday , September 16th

I hesitate. I turn around one last time and face Leo who wipes his tears and Julian who holds Ivy, rolling his eyes at his husband.

"We've got her, I promise. " Julian says.

I pull them in for one last hug and give Ivy a kiss on her forehead. Hearing the last call, I board the plane. As I find my seat, I begin to feel the anxiety of being away from Ivy for the first time build its way up into my chest.

I stop to see my seat and an elderly man is sitting in the other. He sends me a small smile as I sit down and I return it, trying to calm my nerves down.

I assume he senses my nerves as I hear him chuckle.

"My name is Malcom, is this your first flight? "

I shake my head no.

"Adalaide, it's nice to meet you. But this is my first time being in a different state than my baby girl. I know she is in good hands, but I just worry. " I say with a small smile. 

With that , Malcom and I begin to talk about Ivy and being a new mother. He shares his stories of when he was younger and a new father , and gave me wonderful advice. His oldest son lives in Ohio and is getting married this weekend, hence why he is on the plane.

As the comfortable hours pass, a voice over the intercom tells us that we will be landing shortly.

As we get off of the plane, Malcom and I walk together to get our luggage and we see his name written on a piece of paper. A man with bright blonde hair waves excitedly as a smile covers Malcom's face.

" Take care now! " he says patting my shoulder.

I send him a small smile before returning his kind words, and I carry my luggage out towards the front as I get an Uber.

Sitting in the back, I quickly text Alec and let him know I've landed. forgot to text the guys that I've landed.


Me: I've landed and I'm in the Uber now!

Alec: We just got out of practice, I'll tell Rome I'm getting some food for us real quick and meet you down at the lobby! Just let me know when you're 5 minutes out.

Putting my phone down, I make small talk with my Uber driver. Once I'm five minutes away I text Alec and before I know it we're outside the hotel.

"Thank you!"

I take my stuff out the trunk and I hurry into the lobby. Alec quickly pulls me into a hug before looking at me with a bright smile.

"I can't believe you are really here! Come on, let's get you checked in."

I quickly check in and we head up to my room. Putting my bags down, I put the key card in my pocket and we make our way to Rome and Alec's room.

Alec makes sure that Rome is in the shower still before we walk in and close the door.

"Baby?! Did you get the food?"

Alec puts a finger to his mouth and I let out a quiet laugh. We sit down and wait for Rome to come out.

"Baby? What are you-"

Rome's eyes go wide as his mouth drops open.

"You're here?!"

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