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6 AM
Monday August 22nd

I slowly open my eyes and I notice that Maddox is no longer in bed with me. I get Ivy ready for the day before getting myself ready. With Ivy resting on my hip we head to the kitchen to fix breakfast where I see a note on the fridge.

Had to leave for practice , didn't wanna wake you. I'll see you soon - Maddox

I smile as I fix my oats and cut an apple. I decide to pump before I leave and I feed Ivy before I do so. Today a culinary expert is coming, and we are to dress semi-professional.

I pull a trench coat off the rack and drape it over my hurt arm, covering it further.

I pull a trench coat off the rack and drape it over my hurt arm, covering it further

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I throw on some heels as the doorbell rings and I open it to see Leo and Julian.

" Well don't you look beautiful! " Leo says with a bright smile.

" Is it to much? Today a culinary arts expert named Mrs. Dubois is coming and we are to look professional but casual. I'm very nervous, she is someone I've looked up to since the beginning." I say

" You look beautiful, now go! "  Julian says taking Ivy.

10:30 AM

After two hours , the class is finally over and I am in awe of this woman's creativity and passion. We had a paper that we needed to fill out during the session and turn it in at the end of the class.

" Come back at 2:00 PM on the dot! There will be an announcement. " Mrs Dubois says before waving us off.

I leave the building and I pull out my phone to see a text message from the guys.

Panty Droppers 🧎🏼‍♀️

Rome: Lunch at 12:30?
Quinn: Sounds good , professor is up my ass at the moment
Xavier: Works for me , my anatomy class is taking a while
Me: Remember I'm bringing food today

I walk towards the market and I grab a basket upon entering.

I gather all of my ingredients before my phone vibrates as I'm at the check out.

Alec: Are you back? You never texted me , got worried

Me: Yeah! A lot happened but nothing to worry about I'm here now

I put my phone down so I can pay and I head back towards my apartment.

I open the door and I see Leo playing with Ivy while Julian is making her bottle.

" Hi! I'm making lunch for the guys today, if y'all want to take a break! " I say.

" Absolutely not! You cook and we watch. " Leo says.

I laugh before I begin making cookies and some chicken wraps. I cut up the lettuce and chicken while the tortillas cook. This is a simple an easy meal and it came together quite quickly. The oven goes off signaling the cookies are ready to cool down.

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