The Parents

445 13 5

7:30 PM
Friday, Nov. 4th

I swallow the lump in my throat Maddox finds a parking place outside the restaurant.

After putting the car in park, Maddox turns it off and gets out. Coming to my side, he opens my door and holds his hand out. I take ahold of it, getting out of the car.

" Don't be nervous. " he whispers in my ear before giving my cheek a light peck. He gives my hips a light squeeze before opening the door of the restaurant.

I grab ahold of Maddox's hand as the waitress leads us to the back of the restaurant to a more secluded area.

" Maddox! "

A woman with curly black hair and blue eyes jumps out of her chair and hurriedly walks towards us.

" Mom. " he replies with a smile. He lets go of my hand before embracing his mom.

" Look at you! Congratulations on the win honey. " she says lovingly.

Her eyes then snap to mine and she lets out a small gasp.

" Is this her? " she says.

A blush forms on my cheeks as Maddox nods.

She quickly pulls me in for a hug. I stood shocked, only for a moment, before quickly embracing her back.

" It is so nice to finally meet you Adalaide. Please, call me Helena. "

" It is nice to finally meet you as well, Maddox has told me so much about you. " I reply as we let go.

" Likewise. " she says sending a wink my way.

Helena leads us towards our table and we sit down.

" Your father had to take a call, he should be here any moment. "

Maddox only nods before placing a hand on my thigh.

Helena orders us some wine before we dive into conversation. She looks proudly at her son as he talks about the football game, and after two glasses of wine, the chair beside Helena scrapes back.

" Son. " a gruff voice says.

" Father. " Maddox says with a nod.

Maddox and his father almost look nothing alike. Black eyes stare into my green ones before I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

Maddox begins to rub small circles into my thigh as he notices his fathers stare.

" Clinton. " Helena snaps.

He lets out a scoff before running a hand through his grey hair. Fixing his suit jacket, he looks back to his son.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in before I take a sip of my wine.

The air is tense as no one says a word.

Thankfully the waitress comes and she takes our order.

" So, what do you do for work Adalaide. " his father asks. I don't miss the disgusted face he made when he said my name.

" I am the manager at Fleur D'Amore, it is a restaurant-"

" I know what Fleur D'Amore is. So, how many people did you sleep with to get that position? Mrs. Dubois is a highly favorable culinary expert, surely you had to of pulled some strings." he blatantly asks.

Maddox begins to stand up before I place a hand on his chest and shake my head.

His breaths are uneven as he sits back down and I can feel the anger radiating off of him. Helena looks at her husband in shock.

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