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6 AM
Friday August 12th

As the familiar rustling sounds , I begin my day. Today I have one class starting at 8:30 and ends at 10:30 , then I go into work at 1:00.

I feed Ivy and get her ready before I place her on her mat for tummy time while I clean the kitchen. I hear the doorbell and Lorraine comes inside and takes Ivy so I can get ready for the day.

I look outside and I see it's a bit cloudy today and the weather feels a bit cold. I pull on a Nike sweater, some jeans, and sneakers.

I head out of my room and give Ivy a kiss before leaving for my first class

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I head out of my room and give Ivy a kiss before leaving for my first class.

I have a bit of flour in my hair as I leave my culinary class and I head towards the bakery to buy the guys lunch for today.

" Hi Mr. Rowe! I need 5 muffins , and some bagels and spread? " I say grabbing money and handing it to him.

I leave the bakery with my hands full as I head towards campus in search of the large willow tree. It doesn't take long when I see Quinn and Rome throwing a football.

" Hi! I brought lunch if that's okay. " I say lifting my bag up higher.

"Save some of her for me Quinn!" I hear a man say from behind me.

Quinn and Rome stop playing football and head towards me as I turn around to see who said that.

"Fuck off Vance. " I hear Rome say before pulling me behind him.

" What's going on? " I hear a deep voice say.

"Vance being Vance." Quinn says looking at the man who shakes his head and leaves.

Blue eyes looks at me before pointing.

" Who invited her. "

" We did. " Xavier says now standing beside me

I swear he wasn't there a second ago.

" Anyways , thank you! " Quinn says before stealing the paper bags with food and digging through them.

Blue eyes shakes his head before he sits down with the guys. I decide to sit next to Xavier and grab a muffin.

" Maddox what do you want ? " Quinn asks passing out the food.

So this is Maddox.

"Muffin. "

I took the last one..

" Here have mine it was the last one , I haven't taken a bite yet. " I say handing it to him.

" No thanks , I don't know where your hands have been." he says scrunching his face.

" Baby! Oh my god I've been looking everywhere for you! " I hear behind me.

" Kill me now. " Rome whispers and the guys let out a groan.

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