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Anger courses through my veins as the image of Adalaide bloody flashes through my mind on repeat.

I walk out of Adalaides apartment and the itch to punch that fucker in the face grows immensely as I walk towards the truck.

I unlock it before jumping in and driving off to the market to see if Easton is still there.

I race into the empty parking lot before jumping out and searching the dim lot. 

I almost didn't see him as he is walking drunkenly towards the liquor in the distance.

I look around for any cameras and I see that there's only one facing the opposite direction of where I'm headed , so with that I keep walking towards this prick.

I grab the back of his shirt and spin him around so he faces me.

" Hey *hiccup* mannn , you got *hiccup* any-y beer?"

His eyes are hazy and barely open, I see he has a bottle of alcohol hanging loosely from his hands. I take the bottle and smash it on the ground , waking him up a bit.

" Hey! Why'd you-you ... Ma.. maddox? "

I punch him square in the face , knocking him over. I take the hood of his jacket and drag him behind the market before picking him up by his collar and slamming him against the brick wall.

" What the fuck man?!" he says with wide eyes.

I say nothing as I pull him away before slamming him back into the wall again.

He groans before trying to put a hand on his bloody head.

"You hurt my woman Easton. I better not see your face again after I leave here. Do you fucking understand me? If I even see your face in the same area as Adalaide I will kill you. "

I let go of him, making him drop down onto the ground with a thud.

I search his pockets before I find a knife and I flick it open before cutting his neck, just like he did with Adalaide. He screams in pain before I cover his mouth. I wipe off the blade before throwing it in the garbage before I bend down and begin punching him.

I punch him in the face repeatedly until I'm satisfied with the way he looks and then leave him laying there in his own blood.

Adalaide's POV:

I lay in bed with Ivy and watch her as she sleeps. The guys as well as Maya decided to stay the night , and even though I don't know how they'll all sleep in this tiny apartment , they insisted.

Suddenly , my door opens and I turn slightly to see Maddox trudging in. He takes off his shirt before sliding in bed beside Ivy and I.

" You're back."

" Of course I am." he whispers.

He looks at Ivy and gives her a peck on the cheek.

" He will never touch you again. " he says after a moment.

I give him a small smile. He frowns at my neck before he leans over and kisses me.

"I'll go put Ivy in her crib and we will go to bed." He says softly.

8:30 AM
Monday, September 12th

" Ivy Willow and Maya Keyes, my office please. " our professor says.

I quickly dust off my flour covered hands before looking over to Maya , who shrugs. We both head into the office before sitting down and looking at our professor.

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