His daughter

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11:00 PM
Monday, Oct. 31st

A loud thud wakes me up out of my sleep. I quietly get out of bed and make my way to Ivys room to see she is sound asleep. Relief floods through me before I become alert again as another thud sounds through the apartment.

I head into the living room and grab the bat hanging on the wall. I take in a deep breath before I open the door and a very drunk Maddox falls onto the floor.

" Ouch." he says.

I cover my mouth as I try to control my laughter. Tears blur my eyes as I try to stop laughing and after a moment I am finally able to calm myself down.

The whole time Maddox lays motionless on the floor , making me want to burst into laughter once again.

I take in Maddox as he wears a bloody football player costume for the Halloween party that they had at the football house.

" Come on pumpkin, let's go to bed. " I whisper as I bend down and rub his back slightly.

It takes a moment, but he finally replies.

" Where is my daughter? I miss her and her chubby little cheeks. " he says as he lays face down onto the floor.

His daughter.

A huge smile breaks out onto my face as he slowly gets up from the floor and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him tightly and he sighs into the hug contently.

"I missed you."

He lightly kisses the top of my head and we stand there for a moment basking in each others embrace. He soon pulls away before he slightly stumbles over to Ivy's room.

I follow closely behind him, just in case.

As he does hobbles over, his shoulder hits the wall making a loud thud echo throughout the apartment. He freezes in his spot before he looks at the wall and makes a mean face.

" Shhh!"

Did he shush a wall?

I let out a small giggle making him whip his head around to look at me. A lazy smile graces his lips before he looks at the wall one last time and shushes it.

He pushes Ivys door open slightly and peeks over her crib to see her sound asleep. I stand at the door and let him have his moment with her.

" She is such an angel, just like her mother. " he whispers.

" Goodnight sweet angel."

Walking out, he closes the door gently before giving me a peck on the forehead and heading into my room. He seems to of forgotten that he's covered in fake blood and he goes to lay on my bed.

He begins to pull back the covers and he sees the blood on his arm. Frantically, he turns around and looks at me with wide eyes.

" Baby I'm bleeding! I look like Carrie from the horror movie. What did I do?!" he says as he tries to scrub off the blood.

I laugh as I watch him assess the rest of his body that is covered in the fake blood before he looks at me with a slight pout.

" It's fake blood , come on let's wash it off. " I say laughing.

We head into the bathroom and my eyes widen as he strips. I quickly turn away to be respectful and also because I am as red as a tomato and turn the shower on. Soon I feel small kisses on my head as I wait for the water to warm up.

I blush as his fingertips lightly dance on my arms and the kisses trail down to my ear.

" I'm all yours, you can look. " he whispers.

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