
776 19 7

9:00 PM
Monday , Sept 19th

Leo and Julian give me one last hug before leaving us and Ivy. When we got to my apartment and they took in my disheveled appearance and Maya's pissed off look, the both of them rushed towards us.

I cried. I cried my heart out to the three of them as I've never felt a pain quite like this.

After a much needed shower, some comfort food, and some comforting words, they advised me to go to Maddox's house and talk to him. At first I was a bit hesitant, not wanting to see him after earlier.

But I need to hear his side, I need him to explain what's going on.

I sit down on the couch before I look at the monitor and see Ivy in her crib. I smile at her peaceful form and take a moment to look at her. Soon she will be 6 months old, time truly flies by.

Maya left not to long ago, needing to go check on her grandma. She didn't want to at first, but after a lot of convincing she left.

I take out my phone and I see the missed calls and texts from all the guys, including Maddox.

I quickly text the group chat to ask them if one of them could watch Ivy.

Panty Droppers🧎🏼‍♀️

Me: Hey guys! I'm sorry for not answering your calls or texts, I just needed to put my phone down for a bit and unwind. Leo and Julian advised me to talk to Maddox after what happened earlier to hear his side. I think I'm going to do it, if one of yall could watch Ivy?

I instantly feel bad for not texting them, I hope they don't think that I am using them so I can do what I want and they watch Ivy.

Rome: We understand! Alec and I are getting ready for a night out together but we can reschedule?!

Xavier: Quinn is snoring upstairs, I can come!

Me: Rome you better not reschedule! Thank you Xavier so much!

I instantly feel bad for bugging him and interrupting his study time, but he assures me that it's no big deal and he's happy to watch over Ivy.

Xavier comes within a few minutes, unlocking the door with his key. The boys all have spare keys to my apartment since everything with my dad has happened. I wanted them to have them just in case. He plops his back pack down on the floor before he sits beside me. He looks over at Ivys monitor which shows her sleeping soundly , as usual.

" Are you sure you want to do this? " he asks after a moment.

" I need to hear his side." I say as I fiddle with my fingers. He smiles at me before enveloping me in a hug and with that, I leave the apartment. Xavier texted me Maddox's address and I quickly typed it into my GPS before I head towards my car.

It is raining lightly outside , bringing in a cool nightly breeze. Throughout the drive I contemplate turning around, the war inside of me rages as the GPS tells me I have arrived. I look in the rear view mirror and my eyes widen at my puffy red eyes and.

I apply a lip balm before I take a deep breath, and exit the car. The small but modern house in front of me suddenly becomes large and intimidating, making my hands shake.

You have to do this Adalaide.

I raise my hand and gently knock on the door, not expecting the person who opens it.

Ella looks at me, not angrily, but with pity.

" What are you doing here Adalaide? " she questions.

Maddox appears beside her at the door and as he takes me in, he freezes in his spot. His eyes are wide as his mouth drops open. Once again, he doesn't say anything.

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