Smash Cake

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6 AM
Thursday August 25th

I haven't seen or talked to Maddox since that night. Jasper, Maya, and I have hung out almost everyday after working with Mrs. Dubois, and that's been going very well.

The "panty droppers", Jasper, and I are having a small get together today for my little girls five months. I know it doesn't seem like an important thing since she's only five months but she's my world. I wish Maya could've come since we've become so close, but she has to work a double today.

With that, I get up from bed and I walk towards Ivy's room.

" Hi baby! 5 months ago I had you, my greatest blessing. " I say picking her up and kissing her on her forehead.

After I get Ivy ready for the day I see that it's already 7:30 AM , and I need to get ready as well. Today I have no classes, and I also don't have work today with Mrs. Dubois or Mrs. Rowe so I am completely free.

I turn on my tv before playing Lana Del Rey and dancing around with Ivy while I get ready for the day. It's sunny outside and the temperature is in the low 70s so I decide on a skirt. I do have scars from all of the trauma my father put me through, but I won't let that stop me from wearing what I want.

I get dressed and do a bit makeup. Once I finish, I spritz on some perfume and grab my black bag. I pull on some shoes and grab Ivy's bag before placing her in her stroller and heading out.

We decide on walking to the store since it's nice outside and we go through the many aisles for the ingredients

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We decide on walking to the store since it's nice outside and we go through the many aisles for the ingredients.

She babbles at me and points with her teething toy before she smiles and on the bottom gum there's one little tooth that's coming in. The sight makes my heart swell.

" Tink or Nemo? " I ask her and extend both hands.

She drops her slobbery teething toy on my left hand, and with that we head towards the bakery.

" Hi! Do you have any Tinkerbell decorations by chance? " I ask one of the bakers.

He brings me a different variety and I pick out a select few before paying for them.

We have a peaceful walk back to the apartment and I quickly get to work.

I begin to blow up some purple and green balloons, making me wish I got a helium tank. After a lot of effort and becoming lightheaded, I place the balloons where I envision them and decide the place needed some fairy lights.

Happy with how it looks, I hear a knock at the door.

I open it to see a smiling Jasper in a grey sweater just like mine and a gift.

" Hello beautiful, it looks like we match today." he points out.

" We do." I say with a laugh.

He pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head before walking towards Ivy in her bouncy chair.

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