A night to remember.

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10:00 AM
Wednesday, Nov. 23rd.
The day before Thanksgiving.

I decided a few weeks ago that I wanted to cook for Thanksgiving along with Maya. Leo and Julian insisted that it take place at their home which I was grateful for. Gram flew in yesterday morning and to say I was ecstatic was an understatement.

Us three women have spent the day prepping and cooking for tomorrow, Leo and Julian occasionally butting in to help. The boys however, are on the couch with Ivy watching football.

I feel Maddox come up behind me before he places a kiss on my neck. I lean back onto him as he wraps his arms around me and continues to press kisses onto my neck.

"That is enough for today, let's go home." he says.

I let out a tired sigh before nodding my head.

"Let me finish this real fast and we will head out." I say before turning to Gram.

"Ready to go back to the apartment? It is getting late."

She nods dusting the flour off of her hands.

I walk over to the couch and practically have to pry Ivy off of Quinn who pouts.

"You'll see her tomorrow you big baby." I say laughing.

With Ivy in one arm, I take out my keys and unlock the mailboxes before I spot a package. A small smile covers my face as I reach for it and I tuck it under my arm.

"A present for me?" Maddox says with a smirk.

"Keep dreaming pumpkin."


Thanksgiving Day

"Have you opened it?"

"No, what if they look bad? Or worse, he hates it?"

Maya rolls her eyes at me before she takes the curling wand out of my hand and places it down.

" Cmon, let's open it." she says wiggling her eyebrows.

I grab the package from underneath the bed and place it on the bed. We both sit down and she takes her acrylic nail and cuts it open.

She gestures for me to take out the slim black book. Opening the first page, I read the black bold lettering.

"To Maddox,
A special book for when you miss me.

- Adalaide."

Flipping the page, there I am.

Page by page, we flip through the black and white photos of me posing in lingerie. It was Maya's idea and I can't say I hate the pictures.

"What if they look bad? Or worse, he hates it?" Maya mocks.

"You look like a sex goddess Adalaide! He is going to faint when he sees these. And if he doesn't I will personally escort him to the nearest psych ward."

I let out a laugh before I flip back to the first page and reread those five words.

"I will give it to him after our date Saturday night" I decide.

"Baby! Hurry your cute ass up so we can eat!" Maddox shouts.

I give Maya a bland look.

"Please!" he then shouts.

A smile takes over my face before bursting out into a fit of laughter.


8:00 PM

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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