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6 PM
Thursday September 1st

With Ivy by my side in a cute onesie , I make dinner while I talk about how Ivy crawled today.

" Addy, can I ask you something? "

I turn around facing Alec who sits on the island chair , fiddling with his fingers nervously.

" Of course! "

" I want to ask Rome to be my boyfriend, but I'd like to ask him here. It may seem weird  but when he invited me over here that day, we finally had our chance and I wanted to remind him of that. I know it also may seem early, but I keep almost blurting it out and I want it to be special."

" Ale! Of course , how about I make y'all a dinner and you go get him some flowers or something sweet like that? I'll invite him here so you aren't stressing to bad."

" You are the best." he says kissing my cheek before leaving.

I continue to cook and I remember Rome saying he loved steak! Tonight's dinner consisted of fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy. But for Rome and Alec, I make steaks , sweet potato fluff , green beans , and mac n cheese.

" I'm back! It smells really good in here. " Alec says holding some bags.

" Okay so I got some candles , fresh roses , and some gum so my breath doesn't stink when I ask." he says with a smile.

I laugh at him before he starts to put roses around the dining room and kitchen , having a little trail lead to it. He places the candles down before lighting them while I finish up the green beans. 

" I made some chicken as well for tonight if y'all are hungry again, I'm just gonna take a few plates to my room so y'all can have as much privacy as y'all need. Also, I may have told Rome it was an emergency so he is going to bust in here at any moment with Quinn. " I say before looking at the dining room.

" It looks beautiful Alec! " I say hugging him.

I put some plates of food in my room and set up Ivys chair.

I make sure to double check everything before I hear voices on the other side of the door and Alec freezes.

" We're here! What's wrong?! " Rome yells opening the apartment door. They hurriedly walk in before their eyes go wide.

" Quinn come on! " I say grabbing his hand and yanking him into my room with Ivy.

" Is he doing what I think he's doing? " Quinn says giddily.

" Yes! "

" Hi Ivy bug. " he says cooing to Ivy.

I put her down in her chair and she begins to bounce.

" Are you hungry? I made us some dinner in the mean time. " I say gesturing to the plates on the nightstand with a laugh.

" Absolutely, coach killed us today. " he groans out.

" Where is Xavier? "

" He has big anatomy test tomorrow so he's home studying." he says.

We begin to eat and make small talk. After a while, I start to get curious on how the dinner is going.

" Shall we peek? " I say wiggling my eyebrows.

We both jump up and crack open the door.

" Baby are you okay? " Rome says to Alec who is fiddling with his napkin.

Alec takes a deep breath before replying.

" Roman, I've liked you for 2 plus years and I've always backed out of actually acting upon them unless it was harmless flirting. But you've ruined me for any other man, and the time I've been with you has shown me new horizons and a happiness I didn't know existed. So with that... will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend? " He says.

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