Game Day

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6 AM
Sunday August 14th

I hear quiet babbles and I'm up to get Ivy.

" Goodmorning sweet girl , are you hungry? " I say picking her up.

After feeding her and dressing her , I head out to the kitchen and I let out a laugh as I hear the loud snoring or Rome and Quinn.

The couch is ' L ' shaped and Quinn sadly got the short end so his legs are dangling off of it.

I bring Ivys mat into the kitchen before doing some tummy time while I get out the ingredients for breakfast.

I cut up fresh greens and some jalapeños for the omelets and I decide on making some pancakes with apple slices and then pumpkin ones with a bit of cinnamon on top.

As soon as the apple with cinnamon aroma hits , I see two heads pop up from the couch.

" Can you be our chef? " Quinn says rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

" Please." Rome says with his eyes half open.

I laugh before nodding and picking up Ivy.

I begin to cook the omelets and soon enough I hear footsteps come from the guest room.

I almost choke on my spit as a shirtless Maddox walks in.

There are tattoos on random parts of his abdomen and chest , with a chiseled 8 pack to complete the look.

His sweats are hung a bit low , so I can see his a bit of his boxers as well.

I feel a blush on my face and I immediately look away , flipping the omelets and pancakes.

I suddenly feel a presence behind me and I know it's Maddox from the warmth he gives off along with his smell.

" You could've taken a picture. " he says in my ear.

My cheeks are bright red as I don't say anything but continue to make our breakfast.

He lets out a chuckle before walking towards the table where I see everyone sit at.

I place some plates down and glasses before placing the food and drinks down.

We all eat breakfast while talking about the football game that's coming up , Ivy has made her way into Maddox's arms and he happily holds her while eating.

" So Adalaide, I have something to ask you. " Xavier says grabbing my attention.

" My dad's Leo and Julian , would be happy to watch Ivy. I ran it by them since they are waiting on a surrogate and they basically blew my damn eardrums screaming yes." he says .

" I'd love to meet them and talk! Thank you so much Xavier , it means a lot." I say smiling.

6:30 PM
Friday August 19th

After the talk with Xavier on Sunday , we ended up all going to his meet his dads and they were lovely. They send me pictures all of the time when I'm at college and work , and she looks very happy with them. I've seen the guys a couple more times , we all went to the movies one night and then another was spent at Xavier's playing uno.

Today is game day, and I'm very excited to watch the boys play.

I've decided against taking ivy , cause of all of the yelling and things like that. So Xavier's dads are coming to watch her.

I quickly get dressed seeing that the game starts soon and I head towards the door after hearing a knock.

I quickly get dressed seeing that the game starts soon and I head towards the door after hearing a knock

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