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This feels like the longest drive that I have ever been on. I woke up a few minutes ago and as the familiar buildings pass by I tell Xavier to take a left at the light.

I've been very anxious. So much that I haven't barely spoken a word. Even though Maddox doesn't know what is going on, he has been doing his best to distract me from my own mind.

" Park here." I say as we go down the familiar street.

Xavier parks a little ways away from the house so that they won't be spooked by the headlights. We all get out of the car and I look at all of them.

"I don't have a solid plan. My father is unpredictable and with his friend being with him it will make this harder. I can go in alone-"

"Absolutely not!"

"Fuck no."

"We're going with you Lai."

I let out a sigh. I knew that they would want to come, which made me feel better but at the same time I was scared. If my dad feels threatened and intimidated I'm not sure what he will do.

"First I need my grandma to be safe. I have to let her know that I am here somehow."

Walking up to the house. I hold out my hand, making them stop. I slowly make my way to the window before I crouch down and peek inside.

There on the couch is my father. He has a liquor bottle in hand as he converses with what I can only assume as his friend. It's hard to see him since he is on the recliner, facing away from the window.


Finally, grandma walks in with some tea. A sigh of relief leaves my lips before I take in her eyes that look absolutely terrified. I fully put my head into the window, which was risky but I needed her to know I am here for her. When she first sees me she is slightly startled, which was understandable.

I look like a peeping Tom.

I point towards her room before crouching back down and moving away from the window. Walking back to the guys, I look at Alec.

"Call 911, there is a restraining order against my father and he is breaking it."

He nods before walking a small ways away and he pulls out his phone.

I tell the rest of the guys that we were going to walk behind her house and enter through the back door. Hopefully, we can be in and out without being seen, and the cops can arrest him.

Sliding open the door, we all walk in and quietly head towards grandmas room. She sits on the edge of her bed with her face in her hands.

"Grandma, we need to go now." I whisper as I crouch down in front of her.

She quietly breaks down and I take her hands in mine. She looks in my eyes before nodding and she gets up. 

"Where do you think you're going Eloise?"

I wince at my dad's voice before I fully turn around and face him at the door. The guys all look angry as they come face to face with Henry.

"What are all of you doing here?" he asks.

"I think it's best if you shut the fuck up and get out of our way." Quinn says taking a step towards my father.

He lets out a laugh before he sets his eyes on me.

"I'm doing nothing wrong boy. I am here to spend time with my mother."

Maddox quickly pulls me behind him as my father steps more into the room and the guys move in front of Henry to prevent him from going any further.

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