Chapter Thirty Four

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"I'm never gonna give up on this fight, no matter how big you get!" Kuwabara shouts as he stares up at the glowing large fat tiger in front of him

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"I'm never gonna give up on this fight, no matter how big you get!" Kuwabara shouts as he stares up at the glowing large fat tiger in front of him. "So...are you sure?" Yusuke asks Kurama quietly as he stares at the two with wide eyes. "Positive. Kuwabara is helping him." Kurama answers, making Yusuke look at him. Hiei looks over to Akina and asks, "Why did you send the dog away instead of him?" Akina looks to him and answers, "Because Goro doesn't flirt with every female he sees who isn't in a romantic relationship or related to my brother." Hiei nods and says, "That is reasonable as he would be more useless in dealing with the infected if that's the case." Yusuke looks at the two and asks, "Are you two really have this conversation?" The two look at him and nod.

Kuwabara looks at the Spirit Sword that has become a Spirit Dagger with confusion and says, "This doesn't make any sense." He looks at the smiling tiger with an angry look as it continues to laugh at him. "Why is it so hard to understand, Human? Your weapon is made of pure energy and it's feeding my spirit appetite like a slab of red meat. Unless you want to make me bigger and stronger, I suggest you throw down your sword." Kuwabara smirks and replies, "Ha! No way!" He powers up his sword again with what remaining energy he has to make it become a sword again. "So, this is your plan. To feed me." Byakko mocks. Kuwabara crouches and replies, "That's right." And he then launches himself at Byakko and stabs his sword into his mouth. "All right!" Yusuke says with a smile on his face, believing this to be a final blow on the beast. "This may not be good." Kurama says as he watches with worried eyes. Akina's eyes widen and points as she says, "Look!" They watched as it seemed that Byakko was sucking in Kuwabara's energy. "No...he can't!" Kuwabara grunts out as he watches large amounts of his energy transfer from himself to Byakko. Causing his blade to glow brighter and brighter and release electric shocks. "Just let go." Yusuke says as the group continue to watch the pair. 

After a few minutes, Kuwabara's sword disappears from his hands and the glow disappears, revealing that Byakko had indeed absorbed all of Kuwabara's energy. This leads to Kuwabara failing to the ground. Byakko chuckles as he stares down at the weak Human teen at his feet and says, "Thanks." He rubs his belly whilst watching Kuwabara struggles to get on all fours and look at him. "You had more Spirit Energy on your bones than I thought. Eating all of it nearly got me full." He then stares shocked at Kuwabara as he continues to try and get up and grunts out at Byakko, "I'm....not done yet.." He holds his dominant hand to the side and makes it a fist, making a miniature Spirit Sword in his hand. Akina couldn't help but breath out, "Just stop, Kuwabara." And Yusuke then speaks with worry in his tone, "Oh man, this looks bad. Looks like his Spirit Sword has a downsize." Kuwabara glares at the extremely over weight tiger and says, "I dare you to come closer." This makes Byakko laugh at him and say, "Ha! You can't even stand up anymore. You're nothing but a wounded animal!" He then kicks Kuwabara in the face, making him fly off to the side. "Crushing you will be the perfect exercise after my giant meal." Byakko says as he slowly walks over to Kuwabara's weak form. "As soon as there is room in my stomach, that's where you'll go!" Yusuke stares on in fear and admits, "I'm not sure if I can make jokes about this. Kuwabara's really gonna get killed now." Kurama then says, "No. There is a way." This makes the Urameshi twins look at him with an urgent look, as they want an answer before they could possibly loose Kuwabara. "Well then say it!" Yusuke blurts to him. "Byakko's body stopped expanding halfway through that attack. That indicates vulnerability." Kurama reveals to the pair, leading to Akina gasping and ask, "He's vulnerable?" Whilst Yusuke asks, "So you mean he has a weakness?" Hiei narrows his eyes at Kurama and says, "Don't get the Humans' hopes up, Kurama." Kurama calmly responds, "I am simply saying there's a chance." Hiei continues to have a negative view as he says, "Yes Kurama, maybe if you were the one fighting. But that fool will never be able to see it."

Byakko has reached Kuwabara and raises him up with his claw clutching Kuwabara's collar. "You once said you wanted to die." Byakko says after chuckling, before he then throws Kuwabara. Kuwabara tries to get up, whilst Byakko laughs and walks over to him. "You told your puny Human friends that you won't stop fighting, unless I come down here and kill you myself, remember?" He mocks Kuwabara, who stares at him with worry, before his eyes widen. 'Wait! I can feel his energy acting weird. Like it's draining just to stay inside of him. Yeah, looks like he doesn't have space for it all.' Kuwabara thinks to himself. "In the end, you get exactly what you asked for. Remember that when I claw you into shreds!" Byakko says. "No. It turns out I got something else on my mind." Kuwabara announces as he somehow manages to make a miniature handheld blade out of his small remaining energy, causing Byakko's smile to widen as he says, "Don't be worried. I'M QUICK TO THE KILL!" Byakko shouts as he prepares to slash at him in a fatal swipe. Suddenly, Kuwabara yells and manages to force enough energy out of him to make a large Spirit Sword to block the attack and swipes Byakko's hand away. 

Kuwabara then powers it up even more before charging at Byakko and stabs it right into the large tiger's stomach. Making Yusuke yell, "WAIT, KUWABARA! DON'T BE STUPID! KURAMA SAYS THERE'S STILL A WAY TO BEAT HIM!" Kuwabara then releases a weak grunt as he watches his energy drain into the tiger and falls to his knees in exhaustion, whilst Byakko just chuckles at him. "Kuwabara..." Yusuke breaths out. "Yusuke, listen." Akina orders as she notices Byakko's chuckles change to him groaning in pain as he holds his stomach. "You filled me up so full of you energy that I don't think I have room to eat your body. Oh well, I'll just crush you into pulp for later." He then raises his foot, making Yusuke get ready to fire his Spirit Gun, but is forced to stop when his twin stands in front of him and says, "Don't." Whilst Kurama holds his arm out and says, "No, stop. It's not necessary."

They watch as Byakko suddenly gasps and his eyes widen and his body seems to be trembling so much, that he goes backwards and sounds like he could hurl at any moment. "Looks like it worked." Kuwabara groans out as he manages to roll to the side and watch Byakko. "Agh! What...worked?!" Byakko was able to ask between his grunts of pain. "It's like my sister always said, it's not good to eat too much food in one setting." Kuwabara speaks with confidence as he manages to get on one knee. The twins smile in seeing that their Human friend won't die. "Sister, huh? That explains a lot." Yusuke says. "!" Byakko was going to grab him but he then stumbles backward and suddenly glows yellow as it seems that Kuwabara's energy was ready to burst out of the beast. The glow gets brighter and the sound of lightning gets louder as Byakko groans out more and more and his belly seems about to pop. 

Then a yellow blast of energy appears from where Byakko was standing, before he then falls off the platform and smoke covers the area that Kuwabara and he fought in. "Down he goes!" Yusuke cheers and Akina smiles at the sight. "The amount of Spirit Energy Kuwabara transferred created a force that was more than Byakko's body could contain." Kurama explains what has happened and why. "Looks like an awful case of gas, if you ask me!" Yusuke laughs at his own joke, sparking a giggle out of Akina, making Kurama have a small smile on his face, but it all stops when Kuwabara shouts, "Quiet, Urameshi!" This makes the rest of the group look over to the Human teen who is taking deep sniffs and breaths as he says, "I'm trying to concentrate here, okay. I have to breath in the guy's fumes. It's filled with my Spirit Energy." They walk over to him as Kurama reveals, "Actually, your energy returned automatically." Kuwabara was definitely embarrassed by this as he starts trying to form a sentence, "Errrr....oh can never be too safe, right?" Yusuke smiles at this and says, "Hey, I don't know why you're still on the ground, Kuwabara. I haven't even broke a sweat." This annoys his friend, who says sarcastically, "Very funny, Urameshi. You're taking the next one."

🌹🌹My Fellow Stars, I am back!🌹🌹

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🌹🌹My Fellow Stars, I am back!🌹🌹

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