Chapter Forty Eight

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

The Dog Demon Lord's eyes widen greatly as his mirror finishes showing him where Akina and Goro are and what they were doing. "She can perform the spell of destruction?" Lord Riku breathed out in disbelief as he fully register what he had seen and the fact that his grandson was able to quickly heal her before death, meaning Akina still had some life energy in her body. "Chiharu wouldn't have taught her that. My cub and myself had to read about it just to learn what it is, so how..." Lord Riku stops himself from speaking with himself any longer and instead decides to go and meet up with the Queen Mother, his mother.


Chiharu was now standing before a mirror that stands tall within her library with sharp eyes locked as she speaks, "Mirror mirror before me, find who casted a powerful spell and let me see." With that her mirror releases a light glow before replacing the reflective glass with an image of Akina, making Chiharu speak in disbelief, "What is this? Akina produced such this can't be. Mirror show me what spell was done." And with that it glows and shows her the battle that Akina had with Suzaku and how she won. Chiharu was indeed speechless for she couldn't get words to form from her scattered thoughts and speak them out, for this is indeed shocking to her. "How?" She breathes out before finally noticing the books that no longer have any remnants of dust on their spines and how some of the scrolls had different knot types keeping them closed, making her rush to gather them all and look over their contents. "No...she can't have." She breathes out again as she flips through pages and absorbs the titles, and carelessly rips off the ribbons holding the scrolls shut. "Just not..." She begins before pausing when her eyes land on the page in a book that holds the spell of destruction written on it as she comes to realise how Akina came to know of the spell. "She's been reading my books!" She huffs in frustration as she slams the book down and asks, "How am I suppose to keep her hidden now?!"


Goro's POV

We are in the home of the Human called Kuwabara with the twins being kept in separate rooms as the two slept. I am currently sitting in the living room with the two Demons and Kuwabara sat across from me with questioning stares. "Answer the questions already man!" Kuwabara whines as I sip the glass of water that I decided to make myself. I sigh and shake my head as I mumble, "I probably should wait for her to wake up first, guys are really impatient." I look straight at the red head as I begin, "You and Hiei have already met me, but back then I was forced to maintain my physical form as a puppy dog that did nothing but bite people so that my former Mistress wouldn't be seen initiating any attacks. But after you, Kurama, had sworn to heal Akina she decided to let me resume any form I desired as long as I didn't have access to my full power, for she would need it if ever Akina's Spirit Energy would overpower hers." 

Kurama narrows his eye and says, "The woman who saved us in the old factory, she's your mistress and she wants Akina?" I nod before saying, "Akina is far more special than anyone in any of the worlds that we are aware of." I then pull out a small picture of Akina and hand it to him as I continue to speak, "After unleashing her energy to fight Hiei, Akina's old friend Akuma was blackmailed into taking a special type of photo of Akina so that my former mistress can see the nature of her Spirit Energy." Hiei scoffs and says, "There is nothing special about this photo." This makes me shake my head and say, "That's not true. You see the picture is show that it can't find the energy, but it was still able to take a photo proving that she indeed has Spirit Energy. Her energy just wasn't showing anyone what it's nature is." I then look down to my hands that clasp my knees as I say, "Sadly my former mistress didn't realise this when she saw the photo, so Akuma had his only chance home destroyed and everyone he ever cared for but Akina killed. It was only until Akuma had disappeared and the death of a girl named Emi, did she sense something peculiar about Akina's Spirit Energy." 

"OH JUST GET STRAIGHT TO THE POINT ALREADY!" Kuwabara yells at me, making me huff, "Such a loud Human." I then take a calming breath, before saying, "Her energy isn't one of a Human, but there are small hints, just as there are hints of energy only found in a Demon as well as one of a very powerful Spirit. But the energy also seems to be conflicted as well as allying with itself, making Akina present different levels of potential. Before she returned to Yusuke, her energy allowed her to survive all forms of torture that should kill any living being." I see the red head's eyes widen along with Kuwabara's but continue, "Another time she was powerful enough to find her whole file on her past, present and future and destroy it and temporarily erase parts of it from her mind. Then she messed with the ownership spell that was placed on me to make herself become my mistress, but allows me my free will. And now she has used a spell only the most powerful Spirits have been ever to use - the spell of destruction. That spell was what she used to destroy Suzaku. It is a spell that takes all of the Spirit Energy and some Life Energy of the user to either destroy an enemy or a world depending on the amount of energy they are willing to use. Now for some reason she doesn't have access to her full potential, so even though she was using her Life Energy she was only able to kill Suzaku and badly damage his tower."

 And again Kuwabara interrupts as he panics, "Wait so that wasn't full power?! AND SHE COULD DESTROY THE WORLD?!" I then punch him and growl out, "Shut up!" I then sit back down and take yet another calming breath. "Spirit World can never know about this or else they will kill Akina, so please when Yusuke awakes tell him to take credit in Suzaku's defeat." Kurama then asks, "But they have been monitoring us, they will already know won't they?" I shake my head and reply, "No, Akina had contacted a more influential figure before myself and her joined you, and apparently they have the ability to mess with Spirit World's monitors and records. Oh which reminds me." I then pull out a small bottle that contained blue liquid with small elements of sparkle inside, with a cork keeping the liquid inside and hold it out to Kurama. "Make sure Yusuke drinks this when he wakes up. It will create false memories of the fight so when Spirit World asks or tries to search his memories, they will learn of how Yusuke supposably defeated Suzaku and saved the Human race." 

After Kurama takes the potion I then stand up and make my way to the door, causing Kuwabara to shout, "Hey! Where are you going?!" I turn and say to him, "Into hiding." And with that I leave  the house and make my way over to a car that old man Akuma had given me, before he took his life. I start the engine and drive off knowing that she is looking for me.

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