Chapter Eighteen

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"Sorry. I must withdraw from this alliance."

At hearing these words, both Hiei and Gouki gasp in shock, "WHAT?!" Hiei was confused as to why he seems to be passing off such a great opportunity, "What is that supposed to mean? Surely you're not dropping out of the game when we have come this far?!" Kurama calmly replies, "Yes." This angers Hiei as he snaps, "You coward! Your years of hiding yourself in this human world have made you just like them, spineless and ready to be walked on!" But Gouki isn't mad at all, in fact he looks unbothered by Kurama's decision, making him say, "I don't give a flip if he leaves, but he's got no right to the loot. Give us the pretty little mirror." But he would soon get angry as Kurama replies, "I can't. I have great need for it myself first." Gouki mockingly laughs at this before readying his fist and shouts, "Alright, then I'll punch it out of you!" Kurama was prepared to handle him but all the demons paused their actions when they hear someone call to them, "Howdy neighbours!"

The three demons turn to see Yusuke enter the area with a smile on his face and a tree branch in his hand as he continues, "Couldn't help but notice there is no rainfall down here. Maybe the next time you guys go stealing some magic toys, you should hide where it's not so obviously sunny. Just a tip." Yusuke was happy to have found them so soon as he can rap this up and hurry to pay a visit to his sister. Hiei was greatly frustrated at being interrupted by a human, as he hisses, "Who are you? And how do you know about the artefacts?" Gouki then orders, "Give us your name!" Yusuke continues to where his cocky grin as he answers, "Oh thank you, hoped you'd ask. Hello boys, the name's Yusuke. I'm a Spirit Detective." Unaware that in revealing his name, he had caused pain in Kurama's heart as he remembers the boy that tried to get him off the road before Akina was forced to endanger herself to save them both. However, Gouki and Hiei had other reactions as Gouki asks with a frown, "Sprirt Detective?" Without moving his eyes from the human boy, Hiei hisses out, "Don't worry, he's just one of Koenma's fools. He must have been the only human he could round up. His spirit energy is pathetic." 

Kurama decides to use this moment to then walk away and pay a visit to Akina as he now has limited time to be with her. Yusuke is the first to notice him taking leave, making him shout, "Hey! Where are you going?!" But Kurama could not turn back to answer him, not if he wants to remain calm and not remind the boy of who he is, but he does speak in a calm voice as he walks away, "Sorry, I don't have time to be arrested." Kurama can hear Hiei's angry shouts, "Stop, Kurama! You can't just walk out of our plan!!" But Hiei won't catch him.


Akina may have been tired but she was still up and awake, patiently waiting for Yusuke to visit her. "You should be asleep already." A familiar voice speaks to the young teen, making the tired girl look over to see the lady that gave her strange dreams. "I forgot to introduce myself dear. My name is Chiharu." She bows slightly in front of her and Akina bows her head in return to her, before asking, "What made you come visit me Lady Chiharu?" Chiharu smiles at her before making her way over to the chair beside her bed and says, "Just call me Chiharu, dear. I'm here because I noticed something strange about your energy, I thought it best to see how you are, and no wonder as you keep yourself from resting. Why's that?" Akina looks out the window and gazes at the rain with a tired look on her face, which worries Chiharu further as she detects Akina's soul battling itself on whether to pass on or stay. Chiharu gently takes a hold of Akina's hand which seems to have gone limp and Akina is confused at what she sees happens to Chiharu's arm upon contact.

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