Chapter Sixty Six

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Akina's POV

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Akina's POV

Yes Lord Riku, I understand. I think to myself as I force myself out of the past and back into the painful present. I watch as the glee in Roto's face disappears and becomes one of frustration as he stops his punches and glares at Kurama, before he suddenly weaponizes his right arm once again. "I hate that look. Despite all I've done, you still have that look like you're superior to me." Roto says as he puts the blade to Kurama's cheek once again and makes a cut on his face to accompany the previous one he made. "Stop. That. Look!" He orders as he swipes the blade off of Kurama's face, causing a light splatter of his blood, making Kuwabara and myself release gasps of horror. But Kurama continues to just stand and stare at Roto with the look that he hates displeasing him enough to say, "It doesn't matter anyway, because I'm the one who has the power now." He then balances himself on his right leg as he raises his left foot before saying, "I would like you to like the scum off my boot." 

This makes Goro growl lowly, "The nerve. He better not, or all animal apparitions shall forever despise him for allowing someone to make such orders." I nod as we all continue to listen to Roto's words, "I just can't seem to keep it clean, and after you've wiped the whole thing clean..." He pauses so he can lick his blade. "...I'll decapitate you and spare your nasty mother's life. As for that tramp back there, I have a few plans for her. And since you care about them Shuichi, it's really your only choice." It is then at that moment that Kurama finally speaks, "I will not." The smug look on Roto's face is instantly wiped off his face from hearing Kurama's words. "What?!" Roto gasps in disbelief. "Go ahead. Press it now if you wish." Kurama calmly says to Roto as he moves his hands and begins brushing himself off. Roto starts to chuckle and de-weaponize his arm as he points at Kurama as he begins to bark at him, "In the end, your true character emerges. You're nothing special! Nothing high-class! Just a selfish Demon like all the rest of us here! You look at me like I'm dirt, but in the end it's a lie! You think of only yourself!" Roto continues to cackle whilst sweating buckets of sweats.

"Push it!" Kurama orders him, making Roto laugh triumphantly and cry out, "I will!" He raises the button high for us all to see and moves his thumb to press it, however his body seems frozen in place with his thumb merely hovering over the button. It is then I notice on Roto's uncovered chest that there is a sore red area along with what seems to be a small plant. Has it always been there? "I...can't...move..." Roto struggles to say as Kurama walks up to him and takes the button away from him. "Fighting on the strength of one threat is a very risky gamble." Kurama says coolly. "What if I truly didn't care? Or what if I could just make you immobile?" We watch as Roto seems to be trying to move, but not a single muscle seems to budge, causing Koto to announce to the audience, "It's hard to tell what's happening now, but it's clear Kurama has control!" It after she finishes that Kurama informs Roto, "I have sown the seed of the Death Plant in your body. And it's had plenty of time to take root." Roto's eyes widen and his lips release a gasp, before he looks down at his chest and spots what my eyes had been able to spot, a small plant sprouting out if his now reddened skin. "That pebble! It was a distraction, so I wouldn't notice the seed!" Roto gasps out in realization.

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