Chapter Fifty Three

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Third person's POV

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Third person's POV

The sound of footsteps echo throughout the halls as the tall Toguro brother navigated his way to his desired destination. He continued to walk until a noise that is nothing like the sound of footsteps reach his ears. It was a variety of sounds. He can hear someone choking. He can hear multiple people screaming. He can also hear some giggles and laughter. He even hears the sound of applause. All of those noises came from one room and this room was the only room in the never-ending halls that had a colourful door hiding the room's contents from prying eyes. He steps towards the door and gives it a firm knock, causing all those noises to silence.

The door then opens to reveal a man in a suit, who gives Toguro a bored look before asking, "Do you have an appointment?" Toguro replies, "I was summoned here." This makes the man in the suit suddenly smirk and say, "Oh, you're our special guest." He then opens the door wider and steps to the side before saying, "Come in." Toguro steps inside and observes the large room that he has entered. In this room there were coffins that were a range of bright colours with large black bows on the placed on either side of a red carpet long way, which starts at the door and leads towards a large operation table, where a lifeless body lays surrounded by other tables littered with tools as well as cages that hold naked men and women battered and bruised. The man in the suit walks ahead of Toguro towards the operation table and steps in front of it, before looking up and announcing, "Toguro is here to see you, boss."

Toguro then hears giggles and the sounds of something jingling, making him also look up to see a cloaked figure connected to strings playing with some dangling crystals that decorated a chandelier that hangs high above the operation table. "Take him to the business room. There I can be serious instead of playful." A distorted mixture of high note and low note voices speak those words. In response the man in the suit nods and turns to Toguro and orders, "Come with me." And with that he escorts Toguro out of the disturbing room, back into the quiet corridor and lead him to a set of two large white doors before saying, "My boss just needs a moment to get themselves together before they discuss business. Please be patient and wait in here." He opens the door to reveal what seems to be a dark circular business room, with only one occupant already present in the room. A person wearing a white mask with blue stripes painted under each eyes like tears as well as dressed in a large black cloak with their hood up. The man in the suit looks to Toguro and says, "Please don't mind him. He is our boss's most loyal assistant, so he won't bother you." And with that he leaves Toguro in the room with this unknown person.

" And with that he leaves Toguro in the room with this unknown person

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