Taste of Love

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It was 7 in the morning when the brown headed boy opened his eyes. He felt his face being dried out as he remembered what happened last night when all of a sudden, there was a kock on the door.

"Eren? Are you awake?" Zeke called out.
The brown headed boy stood up and opened the door.
"Are you okay?" He asked again.
"Why are you here?" Eren asked him back.

"Mom and dad will leave by 6pm. I thought you won't like it with them so we will be going separately at 7. Is that okay with you?" Zeke asked.

Eren simply came forward and rested his head on his shoulder. "Thankyou" he said softly.

The platinum blond boy smiled and patted his head. "I'll introduce you to everyone, so don't  worry about that"

"Alright then, it's time for school, I need to go" the boy said.

Timeskip (1)

The bell for the second last period ranged.
"2 more classes and the nightmare will begin" Eren mumbled as he sighed and left the classroom.
Walking by the hallway he realized he was the only one outside. It felt quite and peaceful. He went outside to the back of the school and sat down under the shadows.

He opened his bag and took out a silver colored diary.
There was a  strong aroma of flowers near by him. "Early winter" he smiled. Not realizing the boy started to doze off a bit.

A while after the brown headed slowly opened his eyes and realized his head was upon someone's lap. He looked up and saw Mikasa reading his diary. He quickly snapped up and grabbed his diary from her.

"Hey, that wasn't so nice of you" she exclaimed.
"And why are you reading my diary?" He asked.
Quite insecure he was afraid of her judgments towards him.

"I didn't knew you write, don't worry I did not read anything personal" she said.
"No wonder you have such good taste in books"
"Is it bad?" He asked in a low voice.
"Bad? Ofc not! You can be a writer in future if you continue" she smiled at him.

That was the first time someone ever said that to him.

"Didn't knew you were so talented Eren Jaeger" she added.
"I am more talented than what you think" he said.
"Really? Show me" she smirked.

"Follow me" he whispered.

Holding her wrist, they walked together in the hallway.
"Where are you taking me" she asked.
"Hush" He placed his finger on her lips. "Just follow me" he whispered.

They reached outside the music room.
"No, not at all. Eren if we got caught Mr Erwin wouldn't leave us" the raven haired girl was restless.
"Just trust me, nothing will happen" He camly said.

They entered the music room and Eren stood near by the teacher's piano.
"Can you play it?" She asked.
He nodded "It's been a while but lets give it a try"
He was nervous as his fingers weren't stable.Not being confident much he let out an awkward laugh.

"It doesn't matter if you make mistakes, I'll still love it because you are playing it" she said and sat beside him.
"Go on, play it. I want to hear you" she encouraged him.

He took a deep breathe as he placed his fingers on the keys, pushing them according.

Her eyes sparkles as the melody was being played. She felt special, as he kept playing further. The melody dances as she closed her eyes and felt goosebumps all over her body. She felt different emotions time by time.
Fear of being caught but at the same time happiness inside. She didn't knew what the song was about but it felt like it was full of love.

The brown headed boy kept glancing at her. He felt confident as he saw her enjoying the melody.
The boy, that feared love, kept playing it beautifully as she was the only person who was stuck inside his head that very minute.

He forgot what happened last night, all his tears. He didn't cared about tomorrow, all he cared about was her smile, that occurred because he was playing her the melody.

And their moment was ruined as they heard someone coming.
"That must be him, what do we do now" the raven haired girl panicked.
"We hide" He said.
He grabbed her wrist and hold her body tightly,carefully as they hid behind the curtains. There bodies were close to each other as she would smell his scent.

Eren kept looking for a perfect chance to escape but the raven haired girl was stuck in his beauty. Her eyes didn't move for a single second as she stared at him. She stared that those emerald eyes and his perfectly defined lips.
The closeness between them made her feel weak inside as she felt ticklish.

"Perfect, this is our chance" He whispered.
The teacher was standing by the piano analyzing the room as he knew someone was there.
Eren kept holding her wrist as they quitely escaped from the curtains and started running in the hallways. They kept running till they reached the school gate.

They started to breathe heavily as Eren finally let out a laugh.
Mikasa was mesmerized. His glowing face as he laughed was the most beautiful thing to her. That was the first time she saw him that happy. And she fell for it.
She fell for him first.

"What do we do now" she asked breathing heavily "we were suppose to be in class"
The final bell ranged as the school ended.
Both teens looked at each other and laughed again.

"We go home" the boy said.
"Will you take the bus today?" She asked. A yes was all what she wanted to hear.
"No, I have to go somewhere and that's  the opposite side to where I live" He said.
Her eyes reflected her sadness but she hide her emotions well.
"Alright then see you later" she said and waved him as she started to walk to the opposite side.
He waved her back with a smile,
"Thank you Mikasa" He said softly as he watched her vanish.

Timeskip (2)

"Shall we leave?" Zeke asked Eren.
He nodded and both of them settled inside the car.
"When I finally be able to take over dad's business I'll make sure it would work like your desire" Zeke said.
The brown headed boy smiled "Goodluck to you"
"And what about you? You won't be by my side?" Zeke asked.

"I.. don't know. I have no idea what to do in future" Eren's hesitation concerned his brother.
He placed his hand on his shoulder
"I am sure you will be fine. Just trust yourself."

They arrived at the designated place
"You're late"  Grisha told the boys as soon as they reached the ballroom.

"Sorry dad" Zeke apologized but Eren simply walked away.
Grisha sighed looking at his younger son's behavior.
"Zeke don't forget to introduce him to everyone" He said and walked away as well.

It was not new for Eren, but seeing several unknown faces around made him anxious.
"Shoud have stayed with Zeke" He kept looking for his brother as he finally saw a familiar figure. He relieved a bit as he approached that blonde girl. She turned around to see him and gave a wide smile.

"Eren? You actually came?" She asked, surprised.
"Had to, there are so many people I don't know. Thankfully I found you" He said.
"Where's your brother" the blonde girl asked.

"I don't know, he must be busy so you have to stay with me the whole time. I don't want to be questioned by unknowns" He said.

"The dance is about to start, do you want to dance with me Eren Jaeger?" The blonde girl asked.

He scoffed, "like I have a choice Historia Reiss"

● Thankyou for reading <3

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