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She slowly opened her eyes and found herself in a white vacant room. With no window, no furniture except for the chair she was tied with and a table in front of her.

Suddenly a bright light was flashed when the door opened.
"Are you awake lady?" She flinched hearing that voice.
She looked up, her vision blurry and saw two figures wearing black suits.

"Who are you?" A painful groan left her lips as she felt her body paralyzed.
"Untie her" the man ordered.
The men around him did as told and placed a glass of water in front of her.
"Drink" the unknown man ordered Mikasa.

As her hands were untied she took the glass and threw it against the wall with some energy she had left and saw her hands being bandaged.
"You kidnapped me. Tied my hands. Who do you think you are?" She yelled at him "What did you do to me?" Her voice was strained.
"Rod Reiss. You must have heard this name often" He said.
Her face became white, her blood went cold hearing his name and fear prickles over her skin. She took some steps backwards as her eyes still gave a blurry vision.

"Do not try to run. Don't you want to know who killed your father?" He asked.
"Why would a Yakuza know about my father. It's not like he worked for you all" she felt a dull ache inside.

"Eren Jaeger" He said with a menacing laugh. "Your boyfriend is a part of Yakuzas as well. You father could be too"
"He isn't. He is just-"
"A distant cousin of Grisha Jaeger yeah yeah" Rod Reiss scoffed.
"You seriously think he is a normal boy whose father is a simple doctor who spent more time taking Eren's orders than doing his work can gift you that expensive red thing" He pointed at her pendant.
"What do you mean" she asked with hesitation, her eyes sore.

"Eren is the real son of Grisha Jaeger. The one who will take up this father's whole business after him. Why do you think Eren always use to call Hannes for everything. Because he was one of his guardian who use to protect him. Not only that Eren is always surrounded by his fathers men. Sometimes even he doesn't know it"

"His real mother Carla was killed by the Fritz because? she was just an ordinary woman like you. In order to have money and power comes the sacrifice of blood and she was the sacrifice.
Hence she was killed so Dina Fritz that is Eren's stepmother could marry the Jaeger.
With this the Jaegers remained untouched but the Fritz took their chance as well leaving us behind" He said.

Mikasa was frozen in disbelief as a adrenaline shoots through her stomach hearing those words.Her mind was blank. She was not able to understand, not wanting to believe. It hurts, to the point she felt like not breathing anymore. But she didn't wanted to show her weakness.
"Do you mean... I would be killed too if I stayed with Eren?" She asked wobbling with shock.

"You're smart, that's right as much as I wanted to kill you there are some changes in plans" He said.
"I wanted my daughter Historia to marry Eren, in that case everything would have been settled smoothly but she went after some random girl" he spit those words out of anger and disgust.
"And Eren went after you. There's no way our families could ever collide. So there's only one way left. To destroy the root. I will bring down the Jaegers"

"Eren will be killed by you Mikasa Ackerman. You will be our weapon"

She looked at him as her tears fall down. "Why? Why me. I would ever do that" she said in a broken voice close to tears.
"Because he killed your father"

"He didn't! How could Eren kill my father. He was like six" she raised her voice in frustration.
Rod sighed with a smile,

"How about this"
He took out this phone and started playing a video.

"What happened to Mikasa's father?"
She recognized his voice and turned to see.
"He... he was.."
"When he went up to Grisha he was killed by the Fritz because he knew the truth. When your father came to know about this it was too late as your mother died the same day. And he was forced to marry Dina in order to protect your safety. Later on when Grisha was powered as the successor of the Jaegers he killed both his and Dinas father in urge to revenge"

Her eyes that were close to tears had started to steam down. "This can't be" she said as a shaky breath escaped her lips trying to complement. She felt like needles jabbing her skin and tried to ignore his arrogant tone as her head started to spin with pain.
She took the glass of water to calm herself. An evil smile occurred on his face as Mikasa took the glass. "Why do I have to kill him?" She asked vibrating with anxiety.

"Because he isn't just any normal person. My men had been following you since months and everytime you are with Eren he is always been secured. There's no chance for him to even get hurt unless.
It's only you who can do it. You're the only one who Eren trusts"
Her face was clouded with mixture of sadness and disapproval as she felt a sharp headache and her body collapsed unconscious.

"What was in that water sir?" One of the men asked Rod Reiss.
"Just some drugs to control her mind. She will start hallucinating believing every word I speak. We know Eren will be out looking for his girl. I wanted her brain to be so twisted to the point she will start hating him more than anyone else"
"But if given more than required she will get a cardiac attack"
"Does it look like I care?" He scoffed and left the room.

"Eren, Armin is calling you. I think you should pick up" Zeke said.
With his heavy eyes he took his phone and answered it.
"Eren.. where are you" Armin's asked.
"Home" He replied.
"Mika.. Mikasa is in danger" the blonde boy said as he gasped for air.

That was the last thing he wanted to hear. "What do you mean Armin? Where is she?" He yelled, his heart seized and he felt a clutch of fear.
"I don't know. She told me someone was behind her and that she called you but before she could tell me anything someone grabbed her phone"

There was a incessant throb in his heart. The feeling of heaviness in his heart suffocating him as he collapsed in ragged sobs.

Before he could think of anything he got a call from Historia. "Listen if it's some random stuff I can't talk right now" he answered Historia.
"Eren, listen to me carefully" she whispered.
"I saw my father bringing a girl looking familiar to Mikasa here at our house"
His eyes wided, "was that Mikasa? She is missing" he asked.
"I think so, she had your red scarf wrapped"
He didn't said anything as his body started heating up and anger flared across his face.
"Eren, think wisely. Your actions can lead to something worse" Zeke tried to calm him down.

Uncovering the truth from his piece of life which only carried pain to almost losing the person he love, all he wanted at that moment was her. He wanted Mikasa back.
He wanted to see her again. To touch her and feel her warmth. Guilt was digging up his past again throwing on his face reminding how he keeps failing to protect his loved ones.

"Bring me my guns" He held his breath and gritted his teeth. And those were the last four words Eren Jaeger spit out as his face darkened.
"Eren!" Zeke yelled from behind worried his brother might do something wrong.
"Quick bring as many men as you can and send them behind him. Do not take your eyes from him. Not even for one second" Zeke ordered as he settled inside his car which followed Eren.

It wasn't his fault but he kept blaming himself. All the brown headed boy wanted was a normal life with Mikasa. He was treated like a pawn getting played by others in this chess game. That weakest piece who was being sacrificed by others for their goals.

But at that moment. He was the least person anyone would want to encounter.

Thankyou for reading <3

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