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"What? You didn't" she questioned not believing him.
"I did. I want you far away from here" He said as he looked away.
"Why? Do I not matter to you?" She asked. "Look into my eyes Eren"
"You are the only one who matters to me. And all I want is you to be safe. I can't lose you." He said holding back his tears.
"Sending me away from you will solve everything?Do you not want me? Do you not want to be with me? " She asked raising her voice a bit.

He might hurt her. But he loved her so much. His desire for her grew stronger each second and he didn't wanted her to go.
"Your life will be in danger if you stayed here. You don't understand Mikasa, we can't..." He said
"Then let's just run away, I will always be by your side" she heaved for air as her tears didn't stop running out.
"I wish" He said and kissed her knuckles. "I wish we could. But we are still teens. I want to give you the best, that's what you deserve. And I am not capable of doing it now"

"For how long will you push me away from you?" She asked.
"I don't..." His words broke up and all he could say were stuttering sounds.
Tears streamed down his face, and he squeezed his eyelids shut in the hope it would stop.
"I don't know how long it will take you but I'll wait for you" Her choppy breathing and watery eyes remained while she spoke.

For him it was painful to see her like this. He pulled her closer to him as her head rested on his chest. All he could do was embrace her and let the torrent of her tears to soak through his shirt. He ran his fingers through her hair, time and time again, in an attempt to calm her.

Not even the steady stream of tears trickling down her face could calm her.
"That's a early birthday gift from yours" she said and looked into his eyes.
He admired her so much that even her tears were beautiful to him. A solemn tear welled from deep inside and coursed down her cheeks as he pressed his lips on hers.

Her lips were warm and soft as always even tho they didn't looked that soft. His hands were wrapped around her waist in a way he didn't wanted her to go and she had hold his shirt in her grip. Her body was calm compared to how tangled her mind was.
"I just want you to be happy. You don't know how beautiful you look when you smile" He said as they parted.
She smiled at him as he wiped her tears "this smile only happens when you are around" she said.

"I promise I'll come back for you. You taught me how to live again, how to smile again. I want you to have the best life" He said cupping her face.
"You won't contact me either will you?" She asked.
He nodded, "I am sorry. I don't know how long it will take me, I..." His words stuck.

Still standing under the oak tree, the place where Eren first saved Mikasa. The place where they use to spend time together. Now this is the place where they disconnect. Loving each other the most.

"Why are you my strength and weakness?" He asked.
She felt her eyes numb hearing his words and took the scarf around her neck placing it around his. "I want you to wrap this again when we will meet" she said as she kissed the scarf.

"You better not make any other guy friend while I'll be away" He said "Armin is exceptional you can rant to him daily" 
She chuckled seeing him, "Do you think I might fall for someone else?" She asked.
"Someone better than me? I doubt there is" He rolled his eyes as she let out her laugh.

His eyes softened seeing her laugh.
"I told you guys to take less time" Levi yelled from behind as he walked towards them.
"You look different" He said as his gaze went upon Mikasa.
She smiled as she gently squeezed Erens hands with a blush on her face.
"Your first period has already started. Do you want to be punished for your last day here" Levi said.
"What? Already? I'll leave then. I'll see you soon Eren" she said and rushed to her class.

"Does she not know you're leaving this country tonight?" Levi asked.
"No, I couldn't bring myself up to say that. Not after that smile" He said.

February 10th 2017

"Happy birthday Mikasa!!" Sasha screamed as she hugged her tight.
"Happy birthday" Armin sniffed as he hugged her as well. "I'll miss you so much" He said.
"I'll miss you too. I'll miss all of you" Mikasa said.
"Will you ever vist Japan again?" Annie asked.
"Um maybe... I don't know" She said. "Did anyone saw Eren? I haven't seen him ever since that day" she asked.
"I don't know.. his phone number says out of reach everytime I call him" Armin said.
"I just wanted to see him for the last time" Mikasa said as her voice became low.
"You guys waited till 12 for this we will get late Mikasa. Are yall done?" Levi called her out.
"Take care, and don't forget to eat. Call me whenever you want okay" Armin said.
"You too Armin. It would be difficult without you but I'll manage it" she said with a smile.

They waved Mikasa for the last time as she stepped inside the airport. Her eyes were still searching that brown headed boy who had vanished like a thin air to somewhere nobody knows.
"He wont come" Levi said.
"Don't tell me you did something" Mikasa asked.
"So he didn't tell you"
"What are you talking about?" She asked again with a worried tone.
"He left the country the same day you met him" he said.

Her eyes wided as she heard him, "what? Where? Why wasn't I aware this whole time" She asked.
"He told me not to tell you and I have no idea where he is"
"But.. why did he left"
"He said he wanted to work on himself. He's doing all this for you Mikasa" Levi added.

They sat on their seats as the flight was about to take off. Mikasa looked out of the window as she saw the sky covered with clouds. She was leaving the place where she found her first and last love.
Where she cried the most. Where her life had twists and turns. Memories flashed in her eyes and a tear dropped from the corner as the flight took off with a smile on her face.

"See you later, Eren" she mumbled.

Thankyou for reading <3

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