Chapter 52

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*Writer's POV *

"Don't be insane!" Lexis snirred.

" are being insane." Riona said firmly.

They were glaring at each other. They had made sure that Veronica was fast asleep and wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. They had kept her in her favourite memories and they were sure she will not want to wake from it.

It was a moment when she had no worries about life. When her father hadn't left her and her mother alone yet. When her mother was still healthy. When she wasn't  poor and desperately looking for a job or reading her eyes out for an examination or bearing with her aunt's annoying words.

She was happy. And she wanted this moment to last.  Riona and lexis was sure of that. They had indeed turned her life around on a whole different level.

"Why will you want mother to die...haven't you done enough yet?" Lexis said, her emotions overwhelming her.

She just couldn't understand Riona.  She had tried so many times, but she still couldn't.

"Mother wants this to happen.  Her life is haven't felt her pains that's why.  I can't even blame you, you are made to be heartless." Riona spat out with venom.

"You are being the heartless one here. Have you thought about how Veronica will feel? You haven't really synced with her, how will you understand her." Lexis said.

"Lexis...we are all one. I can feel both of you, just like both of you can feel me. Her mother have been dead for a long long time, that's enough time for her to move on."

"Really? She just met her mother recently.  Maybe you have always ignored how much joy Veronica feels each time she is able to speak to mother and hold her in her arms. And you want her to feel that again. I will not let you.  Never!" Lexis said with determination.

"You must be crazy. This is mother we are talking about. Her joy. Her happiness.  Veronica will understand. " Riona reasoned.

"Then why don't we wake her up and ask her... I mean she is the dominant personality now, she deserves to decide her mother's death." Lexis said.

"Don't...mother doesn't want Veronica to know about it. Or she will stop me and ensure she keeps mother save. Mother wants to pass through the eternal gates...that's the only way she can unite with father. You should understand the pain of being without your mate for days, much more centuries. " Riona said.

Lexis couldn't understand her. She was the closest to mother.  She loved mother the most. Yet she wanted to let her die and leave them all alone in this cruel world, where all the creators of the earth, the gods were against them.

"Lexis please. I beg you. This is the task mother have given unto me and I must carry it out to show my appreciation as a worthy child." Riona said.

"Just know that you have lost a sister today. I will never forgive you for this...for letting Veronica pass through this pain twice." Lexis said and with that she woke Veronica up from her slumber.

"Hey guys, it has been so quiet up there. What's wrong?" Veronica yawned. She didn't like how she rarely bonded with Lexis or Riona. They were so near yet so far.

No response as usual.

She shook the thoughts off and just dwelled on the best dream she had had since she realised herself a vampire.

She rushed out from Derek's Royal Chambers in Salvatore clan.  He had realised she was over thinking about her mother's words on getting to the dragon before the Balian's.  And she was indeed stressed out.

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