Once I was back at school, I was fresh in terms of everything.
No more punishment, a clean start to grades, and a resolution to follow as promised.
First thing, when Kendall saw me:
"Oh my goodness, you're finally ungrounded. Anyway, guess who just asked me to Winter Wonderland?"
"I don't like guessing," I said.
"Leo Hamm! Can you believe it?" Her hair bounced over her shoulders as she spoke. I noticed the color of it had changed.
"Yeah," I nodded. "Good for you."
"What about you? Are you expecting Rick to ask you? I still don't get what you see in that pighead, by the way."
"Me neither," I shrugged. "So long as you stop dissing him."
"Fine." She started twirling a strand of her hair with her finger. "I dyed my hair pink over break, did you notice? Do you like it?"
"Sure." Nope, I hated it. I tried my best to not expose it.
"Sure you do," she said, rolling her eyes. "So how was house arrest?"
"Boring. But I got to watch the ball drop."
She gasped. "No way. I've been dying to go for years but mom doesn't want to drive the extra mile."
"Nice, not. Hey, where's Sandy?"
"Oh, she didn't tell you? She's still in Paris on vacation."
"But she's never skipped school before."
"They're making their flight back today."
"Fair enough, I suppose." I opened my locker. On top of my books layed a note written for me in purple ink, looking like it'd been torn out of a notebook neatly. It was trimmed with drawings of pink and red hearts. I read it.
Dear Misty,
I have been hiding it. I have a huge crush on you and want to go out with you. I know you may not know me very much, but I'm that kid who sits behind you in math class. I confess, I just really like you and wanted you to know that. I cannot keep holding in my feelings for you. I hope you can consider being mine, if you like me back.
Axel Blake 💜
Wait, what?!?! So let me get this straight. Axel Blake had feelings for me?! How could I have not known?! That was a new one.
"Lemme see that," said Kendall, snatching the page from me. She started smiling. "Looks like you have a secret admirer."
"Oh, shut up. Axel barely talks," I noted. "I didn't know."
"Oh, the way he looks at you sometimes...it was obvious. I think it's so cute."
I paused. "You knew that and I didn't?"
"Well, he wasn't very good at hiding the fact that he liked you."
"He was good at hiding it from me," I said. "OK, this is bad. How do I explain to him?"
"You can simply just avoid him."
"I can't avoid him forever." I scrunched my face. "Do I have to break his heart?"
Of course Kendall came up with the most blunt answer ever. "Yes."
"I feel bad, I mean Axel's nice."
"Unlike Rick."
"Kendall, I warned you."
"Sorry, forgot."
I tucked the note inside my math textbook and slammed my locker shut.

Breaking Boundaries (unordinary love story)
RomanceMisty Gates - she's smart, nice, and a goody-two-shoes. Constantly treated as an outsider, she struggles to fit in. Then there's Rick Hastings - a football jock, a bad boy, and a sadistic bully. He's dating the most popular girl in school, and does...