MISTYYY - Chapter 36: Repaired Leaky Faucet

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Weaving my way through tons of dancers and decorations, I found Rick in the back. The blasting music was beginning to hurt my ears.

I found Rick with the popular group, all laughing and having fun. Every fiber of my body told me to get him alone somewhere, to go talk to him. I knew I could do it.

But then the worst thing happened.

I saw Rick and Rand walk toward each other. Rand cupped Rick's chin, and their lips met in a long, juicy kiss. I had to avert my eyes, unable to bear what I'd just seen. I should have expected that.

A thorn sank deep into my heart, the feelings hitting me in sharp waves. It felt as if a black hole swallowed me up into its abyss. My world spun in front of me. I felt the tears coming, hot and wet, blurring everything in front of me as I tried to make my way back to Sandy.

"Misty? Misty, you alright?" asked Sandy, running over to me. "Tell me what happened."

I sniffed, wiping the corner of my eye. "Nothing. It was nothing."

"Nothing? Then you wouldn't be crying like this."

"Can we go outside?" I said, my chin quivering. "I need some air."

"OK, then will you tell me?"


We walked outside, and the cool, soothing air wrapped around me, blowing at the wisps of my hair. Sandy dragged me over to the bench.

"OK, now let me hear it," she said, brushing my hair back behind my ears. She hugged me. "It's OK. I won't tell anyone."

She wrapped her arms tightly around me. It instantly made me feel better. And I knew Sandy was a true friend. I could trust her with anything. Sometimes, even more than Kendall, considering Kendall had a big mouth. (Sorry, Kendall. Just when it comes to feelings, you're just not exactly the queen of emotional crisis care. But you're still one of my besties.)

"I saw Rick kissing Rand..." I blubbered, tears falling. "I really thought maybe I could fix it all. And now? No."

"Rand is an idiot," said Sandy. "You have to cut out her toxicity from your life. And Rick, well, if you really think he's your guy you should make him yours again. That is, if you really want him. And I know you're that kind of person. But by the sound of it, maybe you should look for someone else."

"I don't want someone else," I said. "I just..." I swallowed. "I think I feel sick. I should just go home."

"I'll come with you."

"Thanks," I said quietly, almost a whisper.

"Please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry."

I sniffed. "OK. Not crying."

"Good. Is your dad gonna pick you up?"

"Yeah. I'll call him."

Sandy waited with me until dad drove by. He rolled down the window.

"Hey, Sandy, would you like a ride as well?" asked dad.

"No, I'm good. I can take the subway."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

I waved at Sandy after hopping into the car.

"How was it?" asked dad, steering out of the bus circle.

"Don't want to talk about it," I mumbled, grinding my teeth.

He glanced at me. "You look like a repaired leaky faucet." One of his lame ol' dad jokes.

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