After the whole confession that Rand poured to me and Rick, everything finally pieced together. It was like one of those unsolved puzzles, and suddenly the pieces just completed the scrambled picture.
Rick and I were back together.
However, I didn't want him to know about my financial problems or anything. Maybe he would leave me. I didn't think someone rich like him would want to date someone like me. I hoped he couldn't tell by the way I dressed. That's what I was thinking about just then.
But either way, I might have to leave him if we ever moved somewhere for what might be ten astronomical units away from Beachville. That made me so sad.
"Really sorry for ever believing you hooked up with Axel," said Rick. "Forgive me. Please."
"You're forgiven. And I'm sorry, likewise."
Rick and I rounded the corner as we walked.
"Can I eat lunch with you?" Rick asked.
"What about Zach?" I asked.
"Nah," he said. "Don't feel like being around him."
"I get that. But don't you think people would stare at us if they saw us together? We've never eaten together before. It'll be weird."
"I'll see you later then. We can have a redemption date. I'll cook a romantic dinner for the two of us."
"Oh, you can cook?" I said.
"Yeah. I learned."
"Nice. Chef Rick. Sounds iconic, like customers saying, Proud to be served."
"Sure." He ruffled my hair and put his hands around my head, his thumbs grazing along my cheeks. Then he leaned and kissed the top of my head. "Don't ditch me after lunch."
"I should be saying that to you," I laughed. "But come on, let's grab something to eat."
"OK, let me first ask you something though. Are we an item now? We're all cool?"
"Yes," I said sincerely.
After that we purchased pineapple-and-ham pizzas, because the other option was some sort of gloppy scoop of unidentified gray goo. Typical gross cafeteria food. Then Rick and I went separate directions. I found Sandy and Kendall in the pavilion, our new lunch spot. Both of my friends were looking at me wide-eyed.
"It's me," I said. "Hey, strangers."
"Axel was crying today," said Kendall. "He's heartbroken. He was going after you the whole week, but you didn't like him. You should have seen him in the choir room, drowning in tears."
I let that sink in. "Oh, shoot."
"I felt bad for that kid," said Kendall.
"He thought you really liked him," said Sandy.
"Rand's dirty work, writing fake love letters," I said. "What now?"
"He'll get over it after crying a river and building a bridge," said Kendall. "There are other girls out there."
"I wasn't too brutal, was I?" I grimaced.
"Oh, totes not," said Kendall sarcastically.
I sighed. "Whoops."
"But besides," said Kendall, "Candice likes Axel."
"Where'd you hunt for this gossip?" I asked.
"I think she just assumed that," said Sandy.

Breaking Boundaries (unordinary love story)
RomanceMisty Gates - she's smart, nice, and a goody-two-shoes. Constantly treated as an outsider, she struggles to fit in. Then there's Rick Hastings - a football jock, a bad boy, and a sadistic bully. He's dating the most popular girl in school, and does...