3.2 nature vs. nature

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Resa wakes up in her bed with Tory in her arms. She sighs sitting up waking Tory up too. "Hey," Tory smiles sitting up too.

"Hey," Resa smiles looking at her.

"That was a night, huh?" Tory asks with raised eyebrows and a smile.

Resa smiles nodding before getting out of the bed. "You wanna hit the shower or something?" She asks Tory.

"Like...together?" Tory asks getting off the bed.

"Yeah," Resa smiles putting her hands on Tory's hips.

Resa parks her bike and goes to walk into the school but someone tackles her and she falls on her knees and hands. She sighs already knowing it's Kyler and goes to grab her phone and keys.

Kyler grabs her phone and looks at the background. "Isn't that the chick from cobra Kai? The one with the bracelet?" He smirks as he shows his friends the background.

Tory had sneaked a photo of herself onto Resa's phone. That photo turned into her background while Resa was getting dressed that morning.

"Holly shit, Princess. You're a dike?" He asks grabbing her hair and pulling her up.

She groans grabbing his hand that holds her hair. "Fuck you, Kyler," she says.

He hits her in her face and she hits his hand out of her hair. "Everything okay here?" The counselor asks walking over to them.

"Yeah, everything is fine," Resa says through her teeth grabbing her phone back from Kyler and picking up her bag and keys.

"So, Kyler is bullying her?" Mitch asks Eli.

"From the looks of it," Eli says before walking after her.

She's in the girls bathroom fixing her makeup when the door opens and an angry Eli storms in. "What do you want?" She sighs cleaning up her stuff.

"You taking beatings?" He asks standing next her.

"Maybe," she says not looking up.

He looks at her for a while before walking over and pulling up her long sleeves of her shirt. She never wore long sleeved shirts because they made her feel trapped. Only if they were lose and the sleeves could move around she'd wear them.

Instead the sleeves on this shirt weren't lose, they were tight. He knew she was going through depression, but not that it was so bad.

She hits him away and pulls them back down quickly. "What the hell is your problem?" She yells.

"You're cutting yourself, it's getting to bad, Rees. You need to do something about it!" He yells walking back to her.

"Don't you think I'm trying? My best friend is in the hospital! My ex is a fucking bully! Im confused about..." she stops and looks at him.

"About what?" He asks with a confused frown.

"I had sex with Tory," she says softly.

He looks at her and tears form in his eyes. "You're gay?" He asks with breaking voice.

"No, because I like you. But I also like Tory and I think I've liked her for a while now. Because during the fight...all I could think about was making sure she didn't get hurt. Or that you didn't get hurt," she says grabbing his face.

He pulls her hands off his face which takes a lot of strength because she's pretty strong. "Miguel woke up last night. I don't think he'll be happy to know that you're hurting yourself." He grabs her wrists, "Physically," he puts two fingers against her head, "and mentally." He says softly before kissing her forehead and walking away.

She takes a deep breath as the door closes behind him before letting out a sob and putting her face in her hands. After school she makes her way to the hospital waiting for Miguel's mom to take her to him.

"Resa, come on," Carmen smiles at the girl.

Resa gets up and they go to a room. Miguel looks up at his best friend and smiles until he looks a little better. "I don't know who looks worse. Me, or you," he says as his mom leaves the two.

Resa tries to hold back her tears but one sympathetic look from him and she breaks down completely. "Come here, you big baby," he sighs holding his arms open.

She climbs on the bed and cries on his shoulder. When she's quiet he smiles playing with her hair. "What happened to you?" He asks her.

"I left cobra Kai. Kyler is beating me up. Hawk and I broke up. Tory and I...well, I don't know what we are," she sighs as she plays with his hands.

"Did you two finally sleep together?" He asks impressed.

"Sorry," she sniffs.

"It's okay, Rees. To be honest, I think she's always had a crush on you," he smiles brushing her hair through with his fingers.

"It's confusing," she chuckles.

"Why?" He frowns.

"Because I think I love Eli. But being around Tory makes me crazy," she sighs.

There's a knock on the door and they both look up. Eli looks at them and Miguel smiles as he walks in. "Welcome back, dude," Eli smiles as they do their hand shake.

Resa climbs of the bed and looks at Miguel. "I'll come back tomorrow," she smiles kissing his cheek.

"See you tomorrow, Rees," he smiles.

She looks at Eli before walking off. "Did you hear what she said?" Miguel asks.

"Yeah, well. She's sleeping with Tory now. So I don't know what to do about the things she says," Eli sighs.

That night Resa sits on her couch alone eating some rise. Johnny walks in and looks at her for a second before sighing and sitting down next her. "We found Robby," he says grabbing her fork and eating some of the rise.

"I had sex with Tory," she says eating another bite.

Johnny looks at her shocked. "When?" He asks confused.

"Last night. She came by suddenly and kissed me," she says looking at him with a shrug.

"Did you see Miguel?" He asks.

She nods and they continue eating in silence.

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