4.9 the fall

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Eli stands across from Resa as he kisses her forehead softly. "Just be careful today," he smiles.

"You too," she says softly.

They go into the arena and she stands next him and Daniel. Both Eli and Resa have been training to get the defense and offense styles together under wraps.

Daniel has been working with them extra hard and they've been training the others secretly. Eli looks at her and then at Demetri who stands next him.

Resa closes her eyes and bows her head thinking about that morning. "You still wanna fight?" Amanda asked her as she sat with Daniel and Amanda around the kitchen table.

"Yes," she said nodding.

"Does Eli know?" Daniel asked leaning forward.

"No, not until after," she said making them both nod.

She raises her head and Daniel looks at her. "You got this," he says before she steps on the platform.

"Starting for the skills competition is Theresa Lawrence, from Miyagi-Do. With a katana," Daryl says making the crowd go crazy.

"You got this, Rees!" Amanda yells making Resa turn red and looking at Daniel who shakes his head smiling.

Resa takes a deep breath before taking out the katana and starting her competition. When she's done she holds the katana in front of her as she lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

She smiles as she walks back to her team and steps off the mat. Eli hugs her with a smile and she smiles too. She watches all the skill competitions, she notices Eli losing his confidence when he can't break the last board.

She looks at Robby's competition with raised eyebrows and notices he has a lot of frustration. When the skills are over she follows him as he leaves the arena.

She looks at him as he drinks some water in the locker room. "You okay?" She asks leaning on a locker.

He looks up and nods looking down again. "You?" He asks looking up again.

"I've been through better moments," she sighs with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," he pauses getting up, "for your hair. And that of hawk's," he says.

She nods as the song ends and turns around a bit. "Good luck today," she smiles at him.

He smiles, "you too." He says softly before walking out of the room.

During the elimination rounds Resa makes it through. She looks at the board and sighs as she has to go against the new eagle fang girl. "Don't go soft on her," Daniel says nudging her shoulder.

She nods before climbing on the mat. She stands across the girl before bowing to the ref. She bows to the girl and getting in position.

It takes a kick to the shoulder, a throw on the mat with a hit and a sweep with another hit to take the girl out. She helps the girl up, "I'm sorry. But there's to much at stake." She sighs.

The girl nods but still walks off angry. When the girl fights are over it is just Sam, piper, Tory and Resa left. It's the boys turn and Demetri wins easily.

Kyler walks over to Eli, "your little friend is lucky he didn't have to face cobra Kai. Cant say the same for you though, Lip. Gonna make you kiss that mat." He bullies Eli before walking off.

Resa sighs and walks over to Eli. "Hey, you're gonna win this. Remember, you have me," she smiles pulling him closer.

"I-I don't know, Rees," he sighs looking away from her.

"Hey," she says making him look up.

She exposes her tattoo and he goes over it with his thumb. "You're beautiful. You've always been beautiful. Not only out here, but most importantly. In here, your outside is just a bonus. We weren't defined by our hair. We love each other for who we are in here," she says placing her hand over his heart.

He puts his hand on hers. "I found the test," he says softly.

"Then you know you're fighting for a lot more than just yourself," she smiles before kissing him passionately.

"Next up in the quarter finals, it's Kyler Park of Cobra Kai versus Eli Moskowitz of Miyagi-Do," Daryl says making them pull apart.

"I like you, Hawk. Bur I love Eli," she smiles making him nod before walking off.

She stands next Demetri as Eli jumps on the mat with his full confidence back. He wins against Kyler making Resa smile brighter than she has in the last months.

When the semi-finals come it starts with Eli against his best friend. She stands with Eli, Sam and Demetri as Eli seems unsure of the situation.

"Baby, you know to fight him. He knows how to fight you. It doesn't matter who wins now. We all have the same goal here," she says kissing him again before he walks onto the mat.

The fight goes to Miguel's way until he jumps in the air making the crowd go crazy as he goes to kicks Eli. Suddenly he falls to the ground and starts screaming.

Resa cant be held back as she runs over to Miguel where Eli manages to hold her back. "You can't touch him," he says as they look at Miguel.

"Sensei!" Miguel screams making her close her eyes and hide her face in Eli's chest who holds her.

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