5.1 long, long way from home

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"Rees! You seen my phone?" Eli asks as Resa is under the shower.

"Yeah, under your pillow," she sighs turning off the water.

He walks in with his phone in his hand. "Demetri says we can hang out at his," he says looking up.

"I can't, I need to work," she sighs putting on her underwear.

"So, you blew your dads trip off to go to work?" He asks with a frown.

"Yeah," she says walking past him.

He grabs her wrist and pushes her against the wall. She smiles as he presses his body against hers and kisses him.

"You're not going to work, you can spend this summer with me. Instead of as a cashier," he smiles with raised eyebrows.

She puts her arms around him and jumps up straddling his waist. "I need the money," she says.

"No, not anymore. My parents have enough money, Rees. You don't have to support your dad and you anymore," he sighs holding her up.

"Fine," she smiles kissing him.

Later that day she sits with him, Demetri, moon, Yasmine and Sam in Demetri's living room. The boys are gaming while Yasmine is all over Demetri the whole time.

Resa is talking with moon and Sam about Miguel and the relationship between Sam and Miguel. "He wasn't even there for us when we lost," Sam sighs looking at Resa.

Resa gets up and walks in front of the screen making Demetri and Eli yell at her. "Don't walk in front of the screen!" Eli yells.

"Move! Faster!" Demetri yells.

She rolls her eyes and goes to the kitchen. "Demetri! Where is your Coke?" She asks.

"We don't have any," Demetri says walking in.

"I'll go buy some then," she says with a sigh.

Eli walks in as she goes to leave but he stops her. "I'll go," he smiles.

"We can go together," she smiles grabbing his keys.

They get in his car and he starts it. When they get to the store they both get out and he leans on the shopping cart. "So, what do you want to buy?" He asks with a frown.

"Chips, Candy, some drinks," she smiles throwing some chips in the cart.

"He also doesn't have dinner," he says with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't have enough money for that," she says with red cheeks.

Eli stops and grabs his wallet. He hands her a card smiling. "Even if you don't have a job, you still need money. You can use mine," he says as she takes it reluctantly.

"I don't know..." she starts.

"Hey, it's okay. It's for these type of things," he smiles pulling her into a kiss.

"Wow. The Princess and Lip," Kyler says walking up to them with Kenny and some others.

Resa groans stepping back and looking at the cobras. "What do you want, loser?" She asks Kyler but this only pisses him off.

"You're gonna regret calling me that," Kyler says stepping forward.

Eli steps in front of her and Kyler steps back before still taking the step. "I'm gonna kill you both," he says shoving Eli in the shoulders.

"Don't even think about it," Amanda says walking around the corner.

"You really gonna need an adult to stop you from getting your ass kicked?" Kyler scoffs standing over Eli.

Resa looks at Amanda as she pulls out the phone. "You seem to keep forgetting..." she walks up to Kyler, "almost everybody you have once bullied. Has already kicked your ass," she smiles shoving him back and looking at Amanda who holds up her phone with 911 on it.

"Put one finger on any Miyagi-Do or Eagle Fang student and I'll send you to juvi," Amanda smiles with raised eyebrows.

Kyler growls before walking past Resa shoving her shoulder hard and walking out of the store with the cobras following him.

Amanda walks over to the teens and hugs Resa. "How are you doing? You okay?" She asks.

Resa smiles softly. "I'm good, we're working it out," she says looking at Eli who nods.

"Well, if either of you ever needs me, you both know where to find me," Amanda smiles before walking off after putting her hand on Eli's shoulder.

Eli walks over to Resa who nods. "I'll be okay with the card. But I'm only gonna use it when it has to do with you," she says putting it in her wallet.

"That's totally okay with me," he smiles kissing her softly.

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