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At 11:30 PM, the buzz of Genevieve's alarm roused her from her slumber. She turned it off, while thoughts of the evening's impending events urged her out of bed. She quickly did her hair, followed by her makeup, and slinked into her cutest outfit. She was ready to mingle and make new friends before the last of the summer nights turned into school mornings.

She stuffed some extra blankets beneath her comforter and placed a wig she had kept from an old Halloween costume on her pillow, half tucked beneath the comforter to give it a fairly convincing appearance that it was her slumbering beneath it.

She picked up her shoes, and quietly crept down stairs to the kitchen. She looked out the window and caught sight of a full moon looming in the sky. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice Delilah had entered the kitchen until she felt a hand upon her shoulder.

Genevieve gave a sharp intake of breath as she whirled around, scared to death she would be facing Adam. Relief flooded her as she took in Delilah's form.

"Don't do that! You scared the shit outta me!" Genna whisper yelled.

"I'm sorry, I asked if you were ready but you were in La La land staring out the window. I was afraid you were gonna start lickin' it."

"Ha-ha." Genna sneered as she slipped on her black flats. "Alright, let's get out of here." Delilah nodded in silent agreement.

The two girls quietly crept out the back door and down the creaky wooden steps. Once on solid ground, they ran around to the front of the house and down the dirt path. The cool night air winnowed through their long hair. A permanent smile was stitched upon their faces as they were guided by starlight to a car parked at the end of the long drive way.

"Sup my dude?" Delilah said out of breath as she climbed in the back seat. Genevieve climbed in after her.

Genna heard the sassy playfulness in Delilah's voice. She wouldn't have thought much of it if she had been talking to anyone else, but she was talking to Logan Summers. The boy who has had Delilah's heart for a long time, if only he wasn't so blind to feel it beating in the palm of his own hands.

"Sup girls," Logan said. He ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair while completely ignoring Genna, his eyes absorbed every inch of Delilah. "You ladies ready to have the night of your lives?"

Delilah blushed beneath his gaze. "Uh, y-yeah. Absolutely."

"Good," he smiled while turning his attention to the keys, revving the engine to life and taking off down the road. "Tonight's gonna be lit!"

"Fuck yea!" a deep voice from the passenger seat said.

"Oh!" Delilah said surprised by the boy's presence. "Archer, I didn't see you there."

"Well, how could you when you're all heart eyes for the Bleach Blonde Babe over here."

Logan gave him a cut the shit look, while Delilah fell deeper into her blush.

She cleared her throat, "Hah, right. Um, so you haven't met my sister, Genevieve. Genna, this is Archer Hindley."

Archer turned in his seat as Genna was buckling up. When her eyes raised to meet his, she was met with a partly open mouthed stare. His blue eyes were penetrating beneath his dark shaggy locks. Silence followed as they looked at each other; words deemed unimportant and falling by the wayside.

He had never seen such utter perfection.

Genna's eyes darted over to Delilah who watched the curious interaction with amusement.

Archer shook his head slightly as if coming out of a trance. "It-it's nice to meet you, Genevieve."

"Oh, it's just Genna. It's nice to meet you as well Archer." She gave a smile that sent a surge of warmth throughout the enamored boy. He returned her smile and quickly turned back around in his seat. He and Logan exchanged glances; it was Archer's turn to give a cut the shit look.

The two girls looked at each other with wide eyes. Oh. My. Gosh. Delilah mouthed. Genna's smile grew ten fold as she fanned herself, mouthing back, he is so hot! Delilah crinkled her nose and made a so-so hand gesture, which earned her a giggle and gentle slap from Genna.

Logan turned up the music as the four teens drove into the night. The location Delilah chose for the party wasn't far from the house; a short 5 minute drive, but still close enough to be walked if necessary.

"This is it!" Delilah said excitedly to Genna. The headlights illuminated a wooden sign off to the right that read 'Summer's End' with an arrow pointing toward a dirt path. Logan pulled off the main road and slowly drove down the path that was mostly overgrown with tall grass and weeds. They could hear the music before they could see the glow of a bonfire in the distance. They made their way around the dozens of cars that were haphazardly parked along the dirt road.

Logan was careful to choose a spot where he didn't block anyone in, and he could get out in a pinch. Once he turned off the car, everyone quickly exited.

"Looks like the entire Freshman student body is in attendance," Logan noted. "Great job putting this together Lilah." He slipped an arm around her shoulders as they walked up the dirt path.

"Thanks," she said shyly. Her pride bloomed and butterflies erupted within her at feeling his embrace. He must not have been so clueless after all.

Genna walked behind the pair, smiling at how happy her sister was. Her eyes went to the ground as she thought about how crazy the last two months had been. How quickly she went from hating the blonde girl before her, to truly caring for her and her happiness.

She was so enthralled in her thoughts that she didn't notice the presence behind her until suddenly her body was pulled back by two large hands around her upper arms. She let a strangled squeal at the sudden grab and her head whipped back to see what was going on.

"Sorry," Archer said. "You should really watch where you're walkin'." His gravelly tone sent her stomach into cartwheels. He pointed to a low hanging branch that she would have walked face first into had he not stopped her.

Genna put a hand over her pounding heart and laughed. "Thank you, I, I sometimes get lost in my own thoughts. And looking at my feet when I walk is a wicked bad habit of mine." She looked up at Archer and noticed just how tall he was. The top of her head nestled just beneath his chin. Her eyes grazed over the strong jawline that lead to that perfect chin.

Genna caught herself staring at him. She quickly looked down at her feet again and tucked a piece of hair that fell to her face, back behind her ear.

Archer smiled a knowing smile. He knew she was feeling exactly what he felt when he first laid eyes upon her. He let his grasp fall from her arms, and instead took her hand into his.

"Then I'll just hold on to ya," he whispered.

The two continued on down the path, hand in hand. For something so new, it felt so right. That seemed to be the theme of Genna's new life, and she was soaking every bit of that fresh joy in.

This was sure to be an unforgettable summer night.

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