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Opening the bathroom door, Anne stepped in and grabbed a wash cloth from the linen closet.

"All set," she smiled. "The girls said they hope you feel better."

"I'm sorry for ruinin' our night," Adam groaned from his seated position on the floor. He leaned back against the tub, his stomach rumbled and he winced as sharp pains and nausea kept him clutching the small trashcan that Anne had lined with a plastic bag and paper towels.

Anne tutted him softly from the sink. "Oh hush, you've done no such thing."

"No, I have, and you've got every right to hold it against me and make me take you out again next weekend." He winked and gave her a mischievous grin, looking as handsome as ever, even despite his current state.

A blush coated Anne's cheeks as she smiled back at him. She ran the cloth under cold water and Adam watched as she delicately rang the excess water out. Folding it in half, she took a seat on the edge of the tub beside him and held it against the back of his neck.

"I hate to tell you this Adam, but you're going to have to take me out on more weekends than just the next one."

He smiled up at her. "Is that right?"

"Mhm." She dabbed his forehead gently. "I'd say every weekend, but I don't think even that'll be enough to satisfy me."

Adam's eyes gleamed beneath the bathroom lights. "I don't reckon it would be."

Anne moved the cloth back to his neck, but noted it wasn't quite cool enough. She moved to stand, but Adam reached up and grabbed her wrist. Pulling her back down, he ran his thumb across the back of her hand.

"Thank you."

Her head tilted to the side and a smile filled her face. "You don't need to thank me."

"I do. And I know tonight was special, with it bein' our first date and all, but it's also Valentine's Day and I didn't really get the chance to say what I wanted."

"And what might that be?" Anne watched as a wave of emotion rocked him at his core. He reached up with his other hand and caressed her thigh, his fingers slipped just beneath the hem of her dress.

"Be mine."

Adam's tone sent shivers down her spine. It was just like him not to ask her, but demand it in the most gentle way. She loved that he was the kind of man that had no fears about being transparent with his emotions, needs, and wants. Anne stared down at him with starry eyes. Just when she thought she couldn't be more captivated by his charm, two little words had her coming undone.

She reached out and stroked his stubbled chin. "Always," she whispered.

"I'd kiss ya but.." Adam's face twisted and he snatched up the can.

Anne's eyes grew large. "Oh! Yeah, um, I'll be across the hall if you need me."

She quickly made her exit and pretended she didn't hear the poor man retching. Tip toeing across the hall to her place in the den, she thought about the lovely candle lit dinner. The way he watched her with such adoring eyes; she enjoyed every second of it.

Changing out of her dress and into her pajamas, she climbed into bed and patted the quilt, inviting Albus to join her. The feline hopped up without hesitation. She ran her fingers through his fur as she stared at the tin of brownies she had placed on her nightstand. She pondered if she had done the right thing regarding Genna and Delilah. Though Adam was certainly in no shape to be dealing with them, she knew any real parental duties were beyond her limits.

She said she had used her judgement, but she knew it wasn't her best call. She knew she had to tell Adam, but she couldn't risk undoing any progress she made with Genna.

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